Chapter fifty-one~ Hollis

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Being a parent was so hard but rewarding.

I really couldn't complain, though. Flora was such a good little baby but no matter how good, any baby was a challenge.

Flora slept through the nights completely fine but I still had to wake her up a few times each night for feedings, diaper changes and putting her back down to sleep.

I was lucky, because she wasn't too fussy and didn't cry as much as some baby's did but it was hard adjusting.

It didn't help that after two weeks, Luke had to go back to work. Well technically, he didn't have to go to games across the country because baseball season was over.

But he did have to go to training and practices.

It was sort of ridiculous how they quickly they just jumped into one thing and then the other.

He only left for a day max and I was bummed out but I had little Flora to keep me company. It definitely did help that she looked just like her daddy. She had his hazel eyes and face features, they were literally twins. If it wasn't for her dark brown hair and face shape, I wouldn't believe she was mine.

It made my heart melt to already see how close Flora and Luke were already. They looked alike, shared a birthday and got along so well. It was safe to say she was a daddy's girl.

He would take most of the night shifts with her, while I did mornings. A few times when I had gotten up to pee I would see him in the nursery, rocking and singing her gently to sleep.  Some of the nights when he did that, I'd wake up to him not in the bed. Then I'd get up and find him fast asleep in the nursery with Flora.

It was the sweetest thing.

My camera consisted of just pictures of Flora. Flora and Luke, Flora and I, Flora sleeping. I was really taking on the mother status with that one.

And she loved holding people's hands. She constantly be trying to reach out and grab hold of anything, but once she got your hand, she wouldn't let it go.

It was so simple yet so perfect to me.

It was so simple yet so perfect to me

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"Flor is out like a light." Luke said, coming down the stairs.

Luke could always get her down for naps. When it came to me, it was a fifty fifty chance.

"Oh, good. She needed the sleep plus we can finally get some alone time." I smiled, putting my pen down on the table.

Right now, I was trying to write out all the wedding invitations. All I had to do was the addresses, it would take three hours max but with Flora, it was taking way longer than necessary.

"Hm, alone time has a nice ring go it." He said, walking over and kissing my neck.

"Mhm, I bet it does." I said, laughing.

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