Chapter thirty-two~ Owen

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I was sweating like crazy.

"This is it" I thought, "This is my fucking high school graduation."

Sure, this wasn't how I expected everything to be like on this day.

But like what the hell? This is actually so insane. I'd been waiting for this day to come forever and it came by so fast.

Whereas I had been waiting to get called for what feels like eternity. Sucks to be Owen Windess right about now.

 I'd seen all my friends got up long while ago. This was taking forever.

"Dallin Woodward." The speaker called.

There are few times where having a "W" last name sucks. This is one of them. At least they finally made it to the W's. I just felt bad for the few Z's in our grade.

I've just been sitting here, stressing and sweating about graduating for so long.

"Liam Windess." 

I watched Liam walk up onto the stage, shake the hands over everyone up there. He then accepted his diploma and walked off.

Finally . This had to be my turn, "O" comes after "L" after all.

"Owen Williams."

Oh my Lord. They had to have been purposely putting calling my name off.

 Please just call my name soon. 

"Owen Windess."

Thank the Lord, if I had to wait any longer then I'd go insane. No joke.

That's besides the point.

Let's finally do this thing.


"Owen, I'm so proud of you." Mom said to me.

It was like she was blocking out everything that had led up to this. Just pretending that my dad had been here forever and that I hadn't left her for him. 

I did her so wrong and she just ignored it. I guess  I will too.

"Thank you." I said with a grin.

I still couldn't believe it. I had graduated. I'm no longer a high school student. I'm an adult now, I'm on my own.

She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her back. Calvin, Kiersten and Stella just stood a few feet away awkwardly.

This was the first time in a long time that we had hugged. It was weird to explain but I felt safe in my mom's arms.

"You did a good job, Bee." Calvin said to her.

She shook her head, " It was all him."

And then she spoke again.

"Hey, maybe you could try to talk to Lee." My mom said to me.

"Oka-" I started.

"Not you. Calvin, you should try to talk to him." My mom said to him.

He nodded, "Ki, I'll be right back." 

Probably smart that he didn't bring Kiersten and Stella with him. That would probably scare Liam off even more.

He walked off, looking through all the graduates, trying to find Liam.

"Hi, I'm pretty positive we haven't met. I'm Kiersten." Kiersten said to my mom with a warm and welcoming smile.

Oh boy, we're doing this here.


I walked downstairs, trying to find my dad.

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