Chapter twenty-one ~Hollis

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I woke up to some terrible period cramps and the sunlight hitting my face, definitely not the greatest way to start off the day.

"Holli!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

I crawled out of the warmth of my bed and walked downstairs, still wrapped in one of my blankets.

I saw her standing in the kitchen digging threw her purse, "What's up?"

"I'm going to the store because we have literally no food in this house, want anything specific?"

"Ice cream and a pineapple." I said.

She laughed, "That's so random, do you even like pineapple?"

"Yeah, I just wanna switch things up."

"Okayyy, and have you seen my keys?" She asked while still digging in her purse.

"Coat pocket. I swear your always losing them." I answered.

"Always." She said looking threw the pockets.

She pulled out the keys, "Got 'em. Thanks Holls."

I started going back up the stairs and back into bed, "No problem."

I was about to go back into bed when I remembered what I was going to ask.

"Mom! Where's the heating pad?" I yelled from at the top of the stairs.

"Look in Brooklyn's room! She had it last." She yelled back.

In all house of all females and only having on heating pad we were always stealing it from each other, I'd be lying if I said there hasn't been any arguments over it.

I walked into Brooklyn's room looking for the only heating pad we owned. 

Nothing in her closet, or in the mess on the ground or even on her bed. Where was this girl keeping it.

I looked through her drawers and didn't find a heating pad. Instead I found a pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test.


"Brooklyn." I said while holding up the pregnancy test.

She  looked up and saw, and immediately put her head into his hands.

I started pacing, "How did this even happen?"

"Hmm I wonder. Do you think rapists give a shit and wear condoms?" She answered.


"Hollis just don't. You're not the one pregnant and shouldn't be the one freaking out." She snapped.

I sat down on the couch next to her and we just sat in silence.

I wondered how life got to this point. How did life get so messed up? Out of everyone why did Brooklyn get stuck like this, when she didn't even deserve it. Why, why, why?

"I think I'm going to keep it." Brooklyn said finally.

I turned to her and looked at her. A sad expression on her face.


Then she started crying, "Lis it wasn't supposed to be like this. It wasn't. I was supposed to finish my gap year and go to college. I was supposed to be with Annika, I was supposed to be a normal nineteen year old. And now this."

I hugged her, "I know Brookie. We'll figure this out though, we'll get through this."

The front door flung open and revealed my mom carrying in groceries.

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