Fox 19

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(Unfortunately, we are unable to keep Penguin because Racquetball has decided she hates his guts no matter the training and socialization, so we are carefully looking for his new home. Until then, supervised time together only and a few pictures for memories.) 

I don't want to play with that right now. 

Henry stared at Fox, his injured leg crossed over the other as he leaned back into the couch. 

"You've been licking your balls for the past hour." 

And you've been watching me, you creep. 

The look on Henry's face had Fox snickering internally. He'd been trying to get him to mess with the tablet he'd bought for two days while he hasn't been allowed to go back to work. Granted, he was the boss of his own veterinary practice, so he technically could go back whenever he wanted, but Noah had laid down the law the other day. He'd cooled off after sleeping that night, but still had had enough bite in him in the morning to get Henry to agree not to go into work for at least a few days so that his injury could heal. 

I'm going to go out. 

Henry grunted and started tapping away at the tablet, intent on playing with it by himself, it seemed. 

By all means. If I have to mess with it, I'll do it with Noah. 

Granted, he was still wary of running into his brother again, but his animal side refused to sit around all day. Especially when Henry was the only one home until late and he was in a pissy mood. 

It had thankfully warmed up decently well the past few days, so when he slipped out the doggy door, there was barely any snow on the ground and the sun was peaking through some clouds overhead. 

Time for a hunt, finally. 

With a little skip to his step, Fox hopped the few fences between himself and the sidewalk, then started heading toward the park. He looked relaxed, but his senses were on high alert. There were definitely more people out and about, so he wasn't as worried that his brother might try something, but that didn't mean a whole lot in the end. He remembered what him and their sister had done to him many times. He might have forgotten how to be human to some extent, but he never forgot what those two had done to him. 

I don't want to be human, or around other ones, if that's how they all behave. 

Well, he couldn't really lump them all together anymore. Noah had shown him that not all people were bad. Even Henry wasn't terrible. His parents hadn't been outright mean, either, but they had known about some of the abuse towards the end. There was no overlooking the missing patches of fur or tiny blood spots around the house... but eventually, they just shrugged things off or cleaned them up without a word. 

"You look deep in thought, my naked friend." 

Fox growled automatically, but when he looked up at the man looming over him, he realized who it was. 

Cigarette man. Wait. Did you just call me naked friend?

Puffing up his fur, Fox pinned his ears back and sat down with indignation. 

How dare you call me your friend. I'm also not naked right now, for your information. I have quite a nice coat on. Much better than yours, if I do think so myself. Which I do. 

"I swear you have some sort of sarcastic monologue going on in your head every time I see you. I can feel your eyes rolling, even if they aren't on the outside," the man commented before promptly walking past Fox. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now