Fox 16

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(Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. I ate way too much... No regrets.) 

Something soft, damp, and warm brushed against skin Fox wasn't used to having. Hair tickled his forehead as it was brushed aside to make room for the cloth. It felt good, the coolness of the water whisking away some of the sweat that had built uncomfortably upon his skin. Yet, at the same time, it also sent off a thousand and one alarm bells in his head. He was clearly human, and unable to do much more than lie still while someone brushed something across his forehead. 

The someone was the other issue. 

Who... is there? 

The voice that responded was a relief, but not the person he'd hoped for. 

"Sorry, bud, but Noah had to go to work. We've managed to keep you out of the hospital, though they said that if you have any trouble after waking up that we have to bring you in."

 There was a pause for a few moments before Fox felt the spot beside him depress with weight. 

"Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" Henry asked as he ran a finger softly against Fox's cheek. 

Don't touch. 

The man retracted his hand immediately, leaving silence until Fox decided to answer his question. 

I'm not hungry. 

A sigh was Henry's response, which honestly confused Fox. 

"Are you sure I can't get you anything? I made that sushi in case you wanted some. There's also chocolate chip pancakes, waffles, and chicken."

On any other occasion, he'd be more than willing to make all of those things disappear, but his stomach just wasn't having even a thought of them. 

"Can you open your eyes, by chance? Just for a few seconds?" 


He had no motivation to do so. 

Another stretch of silence took over between the two until Fox felt the bed relax as Henry got up and walked out of the room. He contemplated going back to sleep, since his body was definitely exhausted, but then he heard something that had his tired heart racing. 

Is that...

Fox could hear the man's chuckle from the other room. 

I want it. 

The sound of footsteps entering the room a moment later had Fox forcing his aching eyes open. Henry's form was blurry, but thankfully the man remained by the door until Fox could blink away the shadows. 

"There's my little Noodle." 

I don't belong to you. 

Henry gave a quiet sigh, but the smile on his face had Fox rolling his eyes. 

Ow. Darn headache was going full force. 

"If you're okay with it, I'll carry you into the bathroom," Henry offered, but didn't approach. 

Dear god, was he having a dilemma. He desperately wanted to be cooked... but he couldn't walk, or really move much at all, so he'd have to completely rely on Henry. 

"We can wait for Noah to get home, if you'd like? He might have time if he's not forced to work too late," Henry offered. 

The hot water was calling to him, but he desperately didn't want Henry around his human form. His fox was one thing. It could bite, claw, and do some decent damage... but his human? He doubted he could even nibble on the man's damn finger before being overpowered. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن