Fox 40

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(This is my chill story, so it changes based on what I want to write the day I write it, but as far as the relationship goes, it will never be a straight up R rated orgy (sorry Amos) but I will devote this chapter to try and explain some or what's going on between Owen and Amos, and how Fox is an important part of the whole growing relationship, since it seems that some people are confused. Amos is getting the PoV. Behave, Amo.) 

"I don't want to behave," Amos grumbled as he stared up at the ceiling. 

Fox had recovered from the cold he'd shared much faster than he himself had and was actually over at Noah and Henry's, spending some time with his father figures. They'd come back from their honeymoon and immediately wanted him for the next few days before they both had to go back to work. He was pretty sure that they were going to the local amusement park today, too, if the decent weather held up.

Closing his eyes for a moment as a moist towel swiped across his face, Amos hummed and smiled. When he opened them back up, Owen was leaning closer, his knee and other hand on the bed beside him. 

Don't worry, I'll recover soon. 

"Just stay in bed and behave. You always say that you'll recover soon, when it doesn't happen. It takes you a while to get better, and you didn't help your poor immune system with all of the cigarettes," Owen said, never worried that he needed to pull his verbal punches. 

You're so sweet, Amos replied mentally, not wanting to talk too much since his throat hurt pretty badly. 

"No, I'm not. I'm freaking worried!" Owen yelled abruptly, glaring at him with narrowed eyes before quickly turning his back on him and sitting down on the edge of the bed. 

Amos wanted to say something in response, but he bit his tongue and thought through their current situation slowly. Owen had always stayed by his side when he'd gotten sick... which had happened quite a few times in their past together. No matter how busy Owen's life had gotten, he'd always find a way to be there for him when he got sick. 

Pushing himself up on one arm, Amos squeezed his eyes shut as his body started swaying back and forth. Everything was way too hot, and within just a few moments he was dropping back down to the blankets. 

"Stop trying to act cool. Fox isn't here to try and impress," Owen said as he carefully leaned over and helped get him comfortable again. 

Amos couldn't find the energy in himself to open his eyes, but he couldn't resist replying with a tired smile. 

No trying here. I'm just that awesome. 

His mind went blank before he could process Owen's response, the darkness dragging him down into a much-needed sleep. 

The smell of something delicious woke him several hours later. After blinking the blurriness from his eyes, Amos looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was close to midnight. 


He felt a nervous static from the other man, but their connection didn't go all the way through that time. He'd know that he was awake, though, which was fine with him. He was already being an inconvenience. There was no need to bother the guy for attention every second he was home. Sick or not. 

His focus turned to his surroundings. Everything was neat and tidy. His nose was partially stuffed up, but judging from how clean everything looked, it wouldn't have surprised him if Owen had wiped off all the surfaces with disinfectant. 

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