Fox 33

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The familiar sound of footsteps would never go unnoticed. Fox's ears perked up, his head lifting from where he had been nuzzled beneath Amos' arm in bed. He was about to shout his thought that Owen was home, but he managed to catch himself right before he accidentally woke him up, again. For the fifth time that week.

Oddly enough, the guy seemed to hear almost everything he was thinking if he didn't focus on keeping it to himself. When he was excited? He definitely didn't think about keeping it to himself.

Fox carefully squirmed his way out of Amos' hold and after one final wiggle, freed himself and silently hopped down from the bed. The bedroom door was always left cracked open if one or the other weren't home yet. In fact, he, himself, had come home a little later the previous day. Owen and Amos had both agreed that he should enroll in a GED program to at least catch up on things that he'd missed.

At first, he wanted nothing to do with it, but to be honest, he'd actually done very well on the couple tests he'd been given to see where he stood with each subject. He definitely wasn't ready to pass the actual GED exam, but he wasn't nearly as far behind as any of them thought. It actually felt pretty good to know that he understood a lot already. He was currently in the special needs classes, the ones with much fewer students, and he quite liked it. Sure, some of the people had outbursts or behaved differently than others, but he didn't mind at all. He felt like they were actually easier to get along with than most of the people he'd met previously in his life.

Hurrying to the front door, Fox sat to the side and waited as calmly as he could as his left ear twitched at the sound of a key being inserted into the door. When the handle turned, he let out a tiny yip and flicked the tip of his tail. When that door finally opened he was nearly shaking with excitement, but he didn't jump, or spin, or make anymore noise.

Owen's reaction was different every so often depending on how tired he was from his day's activities, so Fox waited anxiously to see how the man would react. When he hung up his coat and messenger bag, then headed for the kitchen, Fox quietly followed on his heels, but made sure not to get in his way or accidentally walk too close.

He stopped at the edge of the kitchen and sat down, watching as Owen washed his hands, then retrieved a can of beer from the fridge, along with an apple. When he finally dropped down into a seat at the dinner table, Fox sat on the floor at his side, leaning gently against the chair with his head bowed slightly, eyes closed. He was still tired after having his own busy day, but he would never miss Owen coming home.

He waited patiently for a long while as Owen sipped at his drink and nibbled at his apple. At some point he dozed off a bit, but awoke again soon after to the soft tempo of a hand brushing against the fur atop his head. The attention brought his tired eyes up to meet Owen's, yet the man wasn't looking at him, and was instead staring at the wall opposite him as he nursed his drink.


That one simple communication had Fox perking up, his previous exhaustion pushed to the back of his mind.

Yes? he replied back eagerly.

Owen took his time putting together the words he wished to say, and when he finally did relay them, Fox had to pause to digest.

Do you like Amos?

That... hadn't been what he thought Owen might ask him. Not even close. He lowered his head as he thought over the question, knowing that Owen wouldn't just ask it out of nowhere. He also knew that the man wouldn't ask something nonchalantly. Everything he said had a reason. He didn't waste his breath on anything.

That meant that he must mean like in a serious way. Fox was going to deny it immediately, because, of course, Amos was not a fox. However, right as he was about to send his response, he paused, remembering the kiss he had shared with Amos a week prior. They had all been pretty busy since then, and rarely home at the same time together. There hadn't been much discussion on personal subjects, either.

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