Fox: 31

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A nap was had on their way back. All of the adrenaline draining from his body left Fox a limp noodle in Amos' lap. The man gently ran his hand over his fur even as Fox dozed in and out of consciousness. 

By the time they finally got back to town, he wasn't feeling too hot. When he tried to open his eyes, everything was blurry and edged with black. He was moved about a bit, and he could hear people talking, but it sounded kind of far away. 

"He's probably got a concussion," Henry's voice said quietly as a faint light shone in one of his eyes, then the other. "Not getting a very good reaction. He's going to need to be kept calm and rest for a few days." 

I'm calm. My head hurts. No ener—Owen's here!

He could feel the man's presence in his mind as his ears picked up at the sound of a car pulling into the veterinary office's parking lot. 

"Well, here's our test for that keeping calm part," Amos said right before Owen ran through the door, panting.  His eyes immediately locked onto Fox. 

Fox tried to lift his aching head but Owen quickly walked forward and gently cupped his face, then leaned over to press a kiss between his eyes. 

Owen's here! Amos, Owen is here! Henry, he's here! 

Owen pressed a finger to Fox's nose as he leaned back a little. 

"Shh. Good foxes are calm and well behaved," he said in a whisper. 

Fox's backside was wiggling with excitement, but as he took in Owen's words, he slowly managed to get ahold of himself. Owen left one hand against the side of Fox's face before looking up at Henry. 

"How is he?" 

Henry began to go into all of the details about concussions and how to treat them, but all Fox could think about was that Owen had hurried to him and was even concerned. 

"Calm it down a bit more there, bud. I can feel your crazy in my mind," Amos said, then added, "if only it were for me." 

Fox hunkered down a little more and twitched an ear, then winced as it made his headache worse. 

You can have a little bit of it. 

Fox was surprised by the sudden rush of excitement that shot through his mind from Amos, but Owen quickly smacked the guy. 

"You need to calm down now, too." 

Amos gave out a quiet whine in response, but it sounded like there was a smirk hidden in the sound.

"You guys can take him home. He needs to stay in a dark, quiet room for a few days. Make sure that he drinks plenty of water and if he can hold down food, give him some light meals." 

I like cat. 

Owen pressed his finger back against Fox's nose, effectively silencing him... but not stopping him from slipping his tongue out to steal a lick. 

He could sense Owen rolling his eyes as Amos gently picked him up and settled him inside his huge coat. 

"Thank you, Henry. We'll be in touch and keep you updated," Owen said as Amos walked out of the room with the other man quick to follow behind him. 

Henry offered to have Noah drive over one of their cars, since neither Amos nor Owen were willing to risk not having someone holding Fox while they were driving. They really wanted him to shift so that he could put on a seat-belt, but there was no way that was possible. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now