Fox 22

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The next day Henry got home early, but Fox was already impatiently waiting for Noah. He'd been practicing shifting, and so far, he'd managed to change twice. It wasn't exactly a huge step, at least to him, but to actually be able to call his human side forth had taken a lot of effort that he'd previously rather have put into anything else. Literally, anything. 

"Hey there, I'm sure you're not waiting for me, but Noah is going to be pretty late tonight," Henry said as he hung his coat up, then tossed something at Fox. He caught it easily, then perked up and bolted for his eating mat to dig into the fried chicken leg. 

They had bought him the small placemat so that he didn't get crumbs all over his sleeping area. Not that he really minded. A sleeping area that smelled like pancakes and fried chicken was preferred, but when Noah explained that it was easier for him if he would eat on the mat, well, of course he'd eat on the mat. 

"Thought you might not mind that snack," Henry said with a chuckle as he headed for Noah's room, tugging off his shirt as he went. 

Fox glanced up as he chewed at his treat, not the least bit interested in the man. 

Why does Noah like staring at you so much. 

Sure, he was in good shape, but there wasn't anything else that really attracted him. Not like Owen and his beautiful f—Shaking his head, Fox sat up abruptly and scowled around the chicken bone in his mouth. 

I meant Noah! 

"Did you now?" Henry mused as he walked out of Noah's room in just a pair of boxers with a set of clean clothing draped over his arm. 

"Does someone have a crush on a certain little fox?" he asked, grinning before turning toward the bathroom for a shower. 

Fox scowled at him and flicked his ears twice. 

He's not a little fox! He's bigger than me! 

He paused for a moment, then realized the actual question. 

I do not! I like Noah. 

When Henry just chuckled again, Fox followed after him and hopped up onto the bathroom counter. 

I'm going to win over Noah, he thought to Henry as he began cleaning his paw. 

"Do you honestly want to do that?" Henry asked, making Fox glance over toward the man who had already gotten into the shower. 

Of course I do. What kind of stupid question is that? 

"Well, if you honestly wanted to win him over, you would have been trying to get him away from me."

I don't want to be rude to him. If he wants your attention over mine sometimes, I'll wait my turn, then prove that my attention will be better. 

Henry was quiet for a moment, then replied; "Interesting point of view. So, you basically are waiting for Noah to get sick of me? Then realize that you're a more favorable choice?" 

That's the gentlemanly thing to do. 

The shower stopped after a few minutes of silence, then Henry grabbed a towel hanging nearby, dried off, and stepped out with it wrapped around his waist. 

"Do you want to go back over to Amos' house?" he asked, instead of questioning him further about Noah. 

Fox perked up immediately, surprised but delighted with the question. 

Yes! But isn't it late? Owen might not even be there, either. 

"You don't like hanging around Amos?" Henry asked as he grabbed the deodorant he left there, with quite a few other items, and began applying it. 

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