Fox 25

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(Can't sit for very long with my messed up leg but here's  a short chapter for a tiny bit of cuteness.) 

Chemistry lab was definitely not English. And for once, his attention was definitely focused on the professor as he explained what not to do. 

I would normally do what I'm not supposed to just because, but I'd rather keep all my fur and not burn my balls. So, I'll listen this time. 

"We also have a guest that I'm sure most of you have already noticed. He seems to prefer to be left alone, so if your attention can remain up here most of the class, or on your projects, that would be appreciated," he said, making Fox sigh as he snuggled into Owen's lab coat. 

He wouldn't let him hide in it, but he did actually wrap one arm around him, which was more than enough to keep Fox's nerves from flaring too much. It also helped that the professor wasn't too bad and told everyone to not stare at him. 

Once the lecture part of the class was over and they broke into groups, Fox became a little more curious about the experiment... from a safe distance. Said distance being a chair that had been pulled up next to Owen. 

The experiment was something to do with certain acids and their reactions to different substances, but that's as far as Fox's brain got. His instincts told him to knock things off of the table for the hell of it, but he didn't want to hurt himself, or Owen, by accident. 

He was so focused on all of the hands moving about the table that he didn't notice Owen reaching over to pat his head until the hand was already there... and triggering his instinctual response. Thankfully, he managed to stop his teeth from sinking into his arm just in time. The second he caught himself, he pinned his ears back and tucked his head. 

I'm sorry, I'm a bad fox. I didn't mean to almost bite you. 

He slowly lowered himself down until he was lying in the chair with his chin on the edge. 

There were a few hushed whispers about how he'd reacted but Owen seemed to shrug them off as he reached down again and scratched behind Fox's ear. 

"Sorry, I knew you were focused on what was on the table and I shouldn't have touched you without getting your attention. Apology scratches?" Owen said with a half-smile that had Fox sitting up and leaning into the attention with a tiny bum wiggle. 

I humbly accept your apology, and your fingers. 

"Hey, Fox?" 

Don't stop. That feels almost as good as getting cooked. 


Blinking open eyes he hadn't realized he'd closed, Fox glanced toward Owen. It seemed a bit odd, though, since he expected he'd have to look up, like usual. Except, he didn't need to. Owen shook his head and leaned over to dig through his backpack. A moment later he produced a set of clothing and pressed them into Fox's arms. 

"Put these on, please." 

Fox looked at the clothing, then down at himself. 

Ah. Human and naked. Neither thing I am a fan of unless it's Owen. 

Reluctantly but quickly, Fox got dressed as Owen stood up in front of him, blocking most of the other students' views. Thankfully, Noah and Henry had helped him several times when he'd shifted so getting dressed was pretty easy. Once he was done he poked Owen's side, bringing the man's attention to him over his shoulder. A moment later and he was turning around and lifting a hand to muss up Fox's hair. 

"Good boy." 

I'm good. 

Owen gave him a few more pats before sitting back down. Fox copied him, still elated that he'd been called a good boy, and by Owen, too! 

I'm a good boy!


Scowling as the group got back to their experiment, Fox turned his attention inward. 

You go away. 

There was a faint static in the back of his mind telling him that Amos was trying to respond, but not much was getting through. He knew that he was probably going to be laughed at, but he thought to Amos, trying out their new connection. 

Owen said that I'm a good boy.

There was more static, but then silence. When he didn't hear anything after a few moments he refocused his attention on the experiment. 

They were getting close to the end of the class when he finally heard a response from Amos. 

He's right. You are a very good boy. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin