Fox 32

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(Pepperjack has her own stained glass now :D

This book is really just me fooling around for fun, sorry if the plot, I think it's a plot, takes forever and goes a billion directions XD.)

Closing the door to the bedroom, Owen ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. Fox had passed out after eating nearly three whole pancakes, and considering how loud he was snoring, he doubted the guy would wake up anytime soon. 

Time to finally have a soak. 

The second that thought left his mind Owen felt eyes on him and glanced to the left. 

Of course. 

Amos was lying on his back, having flopped over onto the carpet. Only his shoulders and head were visible beyond the edge of the wall as he stared up at him with a look in his eyes that Owen was all too familiar with. 

"No, you can't join me." 

Since he'd already taken his shirt off to give to Fox, Owen simply walked into the bathroom and quietly shut the door. 

You would know where my chin has been, by the way. 

Owen pursed his lips tightly at the comment and removed his pajama pants, letting them drop to the floor before stepping out of them. 

I wasn't thinking straight, Owen replied after a tense minute in which he got the water started and checked the temperature. He didn't like his baths too hot, like Fox's insane noodle cooking temperature, but he did want a tiny bit of a sting to his skin when he sat down in it. 

Of course not. You were thinking gay. 

He wasn't even going to grant that sentence a response. While the water began to rise, he added a small bit of Epsom salt and a small amount of eucalyptus bubble bath. It might have seemed odd for an adult male to us bubbles, but he just didn't like seeing himself when he was taking a bath. He definitely wasn't self-conscious, but it just felt more comfortable to have a few layers of bubbles cover the expanse of the tub. The scent was also pretty nice. 

A faint tap against the door drew his attention after he finished putting the bag and bottle he'd used back beneath the sink where it belonged. It didn't sound like a knock...

Looking down, he noticed the shadow and realized that Amos had sat down against the door. Licking his lips, he turned back toward the mirror and stared at himself. 

"You should go visit him."

There was no response from the other side of the door, and Owen didn't expect one. He knew that it had been a low blow, but Amos needed to do something about it. When the man remained silent even after the bath had filled, Owen shook his head and turned off the water, then carefully stepped into the hot water. 

His words weighed heavily in his mind as he leaned his head back against the small suction pillow he'd bought for relaxing. He didn't regret what he'd said, he rarely ever did, but he knew that Amos was struggling with the situation and bringing it up would hurt. 

Someone had to say something, though, and Fox doesn't know. 

"Keep it that way. He doesn't need to," Amos finally whispered from beyond the door. 

"Of course. It's your situation. I won't tell anyone anything." 

There was silence for another long stretch of time, so Owen allowed his eyes to close and tried to relax his tense muscles. 

"You know you want my hands on you."

Owen's eyes rolled up at the ceiling as they blinked open. 

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