Fox 26

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He couldn't lie, he was actually a little excited, yet nervous, to see Amos again when Owen's class finished. He'd shifted back to his fox form before the end of it, and once outside ran ahead a little toward the direction of their car, then looked back at Owen. When the man nodded, he hurried off, intent on finding a place to leave a number two before they headed home. 

He might have been decent in the two classrooms, but that didn't mean that he wanted to go into a public bathroom. 

I'd rather crap on a stick. 

Deciding to be a nice fox for once, he walked into a small forested area and sniffed around instead of just squatting somewhere a person might step in it. His nose got busy sifting through the scents of the residents in the area once he found a spot he thought looked good enough. 

Mice, rats, and a rabbit. Delicious. 

He was just about to go poop when his ears perked up at the sound of footsteps in the dry leaves. Turning toward the sound, he twitched his nose and sniffed, but couldn't pick up anything in particular. 

Even though he wasn't seeing or hearing anything else, alarm bells were already ringing in the back of his mind as he began to back away from the area, intent on returning to the parking lot to meet up with Owen and Amos. He could hold it until they got home. 

When he was free of the plants that had been blocking his view of the street Fox turned and bolted. It would be a bit of a run, but soon he was able to see Amos and Owen waiting for him by the car. 

Thank god. 

He was just beginning to slow down, his nerves calming as his paws ate up the distance between himself and his two companions, when he heard a car behind him. Normally, that wasn't much of an issue, but he didn't need to look behind himself to know that it was going much faster than it should have been in the parking lot. 

It was obvious that he should have just banked to the side, but his animal's mind panicked and just ran as fast it could with its ears pinned and tail swinging. He wasn't going to be able to get to his friends before the car got to him, but right as his vision was blurring with adrenaline and fear, he heard an odd crashing-cracking sound, then the sound of the car skidding. The noise finally drew Fox to a hesitant stop. 

He turned just in time to watch it run right into one of those long pieces of concrete normally used for parking markers, making the car's front jump up into the air, nearly flipping the vehicle in the process. 

Well, that's cool. Have a good day, sir. 

He didn't wait around to see the rest of the damage. Fox booked his backside toward his friends, jumping into Amos' arms the second he got close enough. Him and Owen hopped into the car without a glance back at the stalled vehicle. 

Once they were heading out of the parking lot, Fox glanced over Amos' should. He couldn't see the driver of the damaged car, but there was a huge spider-web of cracks on the left side windshield, as if something had gone through it. 

A strong yet shaky hand stroked his back, drawing him down to sit in Amos' lap. He didn't mind the attention... and honestly, kind of wanted it. He was shaky, himself, and it definitely calmed his nerves a bit to have the repetitive motion against his fur. 

"I didn't know your brother was after you in such a way," Owen said quietly. 

Wait, it was my brother? 

His shivering got worse with the new information. Amos looked toward Owen as he began to talk, but at the same time he carefully tucked Fox into his jacket, then wrapped it tightly around him with just his nose and muzzle free. It was a bit uncomfortably constricting, but after a few moments he actually decided to tuck his nose in, too, allowing the man's warmth and light cigarette scent to calm him. 

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