Fox 29

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(I see this question a lot, so I figure I'll answer it here, though the answer can change depending on how old this chapter gets. I own two dogs right now, both Australian shepherds. I do often rescue, so I may post pictures of those dogs from time to time, but Pepperjack Cheese and Racquetball are my two idiots. My big white fluff boi, Snowman, who is my profile picture, passed away last year.) 

Why is it so hot? 

Fox tried to roll over, but something was wrapped firmly around his waist. He could feel that the waistband of his pajama pants had dropped a bit while he'd been sleeping, but it seemed, just barely, still modestly on him. 

Warm breath wisped across his neck every few seconds, but that wasn't what made his eyes slowly crack open. It was the jumbled static from one of his bonds in the back of his mind. It only took his vision a few moments to clear. A shadowed figure sitting up closer to the edge of the bed drew his attention upward. 

Amos was resting his back against the headboard with one leg partially raised, his left arm resting on his knee and an unlit cigarette between his lips. 


The man jumped the tiniest amount as his eyes, slightly reflective from excess water, turned to him. He looked away abruptly for a few seconds, then sniffed and gave his a head a quick shape before returning his attention to Fox. 

Hello there, my fuzzy friend. I'm sorry, did I wake you up? 

Fox was about to respond when he felt the arm around his waist withdraw. The blanket that had been pulled up to the middle of his bare chest was gently drawn back enough for the person behind him to move out from beneath it. He knew now that it was Owen, and as the man carefully moved over him to get closer to Amos, he quickly closed his eyes. He wasn't exactly sure why he was still pretending to be asleep, especially since Amos already knew that he was awake, but when the guy didn't give him away, he decided to just keep quiet and see what happened. 

Once he was sure that he felt no eyes on him, he squinted one open to see that Owen had settled straddling Amos' lap, but he wasn't quite sitting in it. His attention was focused completely on the other man as he gently settled a hand on either side of Amos' face, then leaned down to press a kiss to the edge of one eye. 

After another sniffle Amos tucked his head against Owen's clothed chest as Owen's hands moved past him. One settled on Amos' back as the other wove its fingers into the man's messy hair. 

"I'm sorry I'm bothering you so much, Owe," Amos eventually rasped out. 

Owen glanced toward Fox as his hand began to rub Amos' back. Fox quickly jerked his eye shut and tried to pretend that he was still asleep. Thankfully, Owen seemed to buy it, but even as they started talking again, he still felt eyes on him. 

"It's alright," Owen replied quietly, earning a chuckle from Amos. 

"I know that you don't like having people in your space." 

He doesn't seem to mind me too much? I'm a fox, too, but I shift. Does that make me a people? Does he not want me here? 

A hand gently settled atop his head, drawing his eyes open without any further thought. 

Oh, oops. 

Two sets of eyes were staring down at him. Owen was leaning down a bit to reach him, but still remained with one leg on either side of Amos' lap. His expression was hard to read, but it didn't look upset. 

Amos, however, had a very clear smirk on his face as he leaned right up against Owen's back and nuzzled his nose against the man's shirt, licking his lips in process. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now