Fox 35

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(My roommate said I should let her write this chapter to make it more pervy lmao

Racquetball wishes you and your fluffies a happy doggo day. She only half-smiled for her photo lol) 

Fox fought hard to keep his phone in his pocket the rest of the day. He knew better than to walk around without paying attention to his surroundings, but he was also a little giddy about what Amos had said. Both about his dad, and about... the other stuff. Of course, he always said random pervy stuff. That was him, after all, but it was starting to have a different meaning then something to just laugh off and move on past. 

He didn't want to risk his brother randomly showing up and catching him off guard again, however, so it was much easier to keep his phone in his pocket as he walked home. 

Once safely inside, he quickly locked the door and then tugged out his phone, surprised to see a text message from Noah. Him and Henry were currently on their honeymoon and hadn't messaged him too often. 

Noah: Is everything going okay? Do you need any help with expenses? How is class? Have you made any friends? 

His words brought a smile to his face as he kicked his shoes off and wandered over to the sofa, then sat down. He was halfway through replying when he realized that he'd sat on someone and not something. 


He had been so quiet and he'd been so distracted typing that the guy hadn't even registered in his brain. Instead of trying to squirm away like he normally would, Fox tucked his legs up and allowed Amos to hug him closer as he continued typing. 

Fox: Everything is going great. I don't need any money, Amos has been buying groceries and Owen has been taking care of the home fees. Class has been going well, too. I think I made a new friend, but I'm not sure. He's a bit weird so I'll think about it later. Are you guys doing well? Is Henry treating you well? 

His fingers stopped for a moment as he thought, then began to type again. 

Have you guys had s

A hand suddenly appeared and took his phone, then deleted that sentence and set it on the armrest. The action drew a curious frown to his face before he looked up at Amos. 

"No need to ask that. I can guarantee you that they're banging like bunnies," he said with a grin before leaning over for a quick kiss to Fox's forehead. 

Fox understood the metaphor, for once. He'd seen bunnies do it. It was a great time to ambush them and take one for dinner. He tried to go for the males, because the female getting away usually meant more dinner options further down the road. 

"You... are a weird one," Amos said, having clearing heard bits of his thoughts, even though he hadn't intentionally projected anything. 

Instead of pushing him away, however, he hugged him tighter and leaned down to blow a raspberry against his neck, making Fox yip and squirm his way up onto his knees on Amos's. He nudged his shoulder up a few times to try and dispel the awkward feeling as Amos laughed. 

"How was your day, Fox? I don't smell any cigarettes on you, but I knew that you would take our answers seriously. Scared the crap out of me when you asked that, though," Amos said, drawing Fox's attention back to him. 

They were almost eye to eye with him kneeling on the man's knees, but it gave him just a fraction more height. 

"I didn't touch them, and he didn't push me to. Maybe he can be my first friend at school," Fox said before leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Amos' shoulders, startling the guy slightly. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant