Fox 10

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Locking me in your room isn't going to stop me from eventually escaping. 

The people were due back at any moment, making Fox antsy. He didn't want them to find anything, and especially not anyone. He'd left his family and that was that. He didn't need them back in his life. He had an unwanted roof over his head and the occasional pancakes. 

He expected a response to his thought back from Noah, but there was only silence. Guess he didn't hear me. His friend had gone to work, but was also due back at any time. 

I'm going to scratch up your door if you don't let me out. I'll pee on it, too. 

More silence. 

Stalking in a circle, Fox looked around the dark room for the thousandth time. His heart was racing as his tongue lolled out of his mouth from stress panting. The sound of the front door opening a few moments later had his ears perking up abruptly right as he'd started chewing on the edge of Noah's thick blanket. 

"Good afternoon, sorry things took a while," an unwanted familiar voice said from down the hall. The sound was so muffled by the distance and door that Fox had to walk over and press his ear against the wood to be able to hear it decently. 

 There were a few words muffled in response as the group seemed to take seats at the table. 

"The DNA came back a match." 

Of course it did. I know who I was, but that's not me anymore. 

"I was able to get in contact with his brother, though he can't come out until Saturday. He's very eager to finally see Adam after so long," the man said with hope and excitement in his voice that Fox mirrored with dismay and disgust. The last person he wanted to see was one of his siblings. 

There were a few muffled cheers before the door opened again and Fox recognized Henry's footsteps entering the house. 

"I was right, he was that kid!" Noah exclaimed with excitement. 

Was. Key word. 

Fox listened as Henry set down his heavy bag and keys, then hurried to join them at the table. "That's great to hear. So, are they coming to get him?" 

"Not until the weekend. We'll just keep him here until then, I guess," Noah replied before the other man spoke. "I believe it would be best if I took him back with me, that way his brother can come see him as soon as he arrives." 


"Are you sure? He can be a handful. I really don't mind watching him for a couple more days," Noah said, a bit of unease in his voice that Fox shared. He might not be happy with Noah or his friend right then, but he didn't want to be forced to go anywhere else, either. 

Fox turned and hopped up onto Noah's bed, then began digging his way beneath the covers. He also was  beginning to not feel all that great, but that was no surprise considering the amount of stress he was under at that moment. 

I don't want to go. Noah, Mr. Vegetarian, don't make me go. 

He got no response, again, from either man. 

"I don't live too far away from your agency. I think it should be fine if he stays here. He doesn't seem to like people that much and it's taken me a while to get him to trust me... kind of." 

There was a short pause before the other man started speaking again, but Henry quickly cut him off. "I think that we should just ask him. He can understand us just fine and is able to nod or shake his head when asked questions. Shouldn't it be up to him to decide where he feels most comfortable? We're already forcing him to do something he clearly doesn't want to, at least we can give him that option?" 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin