Fox 27

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The feeling of someone stroking his head brought Fox out of his deep sleep. The faint scent of cigarettes told him that it was Amos who had him now, and that he was likely back in his fox form, since he was being held in the man's arm. He felt some sort of static coming from their bond, but it didn't seem like Amos was actually trying to talk to him.

When the gentle pets turned into careful hugs, Fox blinked open his eyes halfway. Amos' right hand began running its fingers through the fur along Fox's back as his left hand held him closer, putting Fox's head close to resting on the man's shoulder.

The petting went on for a while, but for once, he decided not to intervene in the attention. Amos wasn't being rude or uncomfortably touchy so he didn't mind.

Never thought I'd think that.

The petting stopped abruptly and the hug loosened a bit.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up."

His voice sounds a bit funny.

Amos got up, then carefully set Fox down on the sofa cushion before heading out onto a balcony past a sliding glass door. As he moved, his right hand slid into his back pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

Withholding his thought of disgust, Fox slowly followed the guy out onto the cement landing through the small gap he'd left in the doorway. It was chilly, but his coat easily whisked away the majority of it, leaving only his nose a bit cold. Ducking his head from a particularly harsh gust of wind, Fox waited for it to pass before looking up at Amos.

He'd expected the man to be staring at him, since it seemed to be his habit, but his back was actually turned to him as he leaned on a railing, a cigarette between his fingers.

Should I say something here? Is that the right thing for this kind of situation?

He had no idea.

Of course, he'd seen many things in his life on his own. Observed people reacting to similar situations many different ways... but there had never seemed to be a definitive right way.

Maybe I should just...

He walked a little closer, then lied down against the man's leg with his chin resting on Amos' socked foot. The breeze thankfully blew away the cigarette smoke, making the quiet night actually quite comfortable.

They remained that way as Amos went through his cigarette, then got out a second one. Fox tilted his left ear as he watched the man raise the second cancer stick to his lips, but right before he was able to light it, a hand appeared from behind him and took the item.

Fox stood and took a step back as he watched Owen take the half-empty pack of cigarettes and return the one he'd taken to the package, then slide it into Amos' back pocket. Amos remained facing away for a few more moments before he slowly turned around and leaned slightly back against the railing. The wind made his T-shirt billow and tousled his dark hair.

It was too dark to get a good look at his expression, but Fox felt an unfamiliar weight in his chest.

Owen glanced down at him for just a moment before reaching up and placing a hand on either side of Amos' face. His thumbs moved beneath the other man's eyes, then he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

Fox expected him to pull away at that point, but when he stayed, Amos slowly moved one arm around the man's waist, then added his other one after a few tense moments, pulling Owen gently against him.

Time passed slowly but Fox made sure to pay attention. Owen had said earlier that most lessons occurred when they were not intentionally being taught. He wanted to know the answer to the lesson he was observing so that next time, he could help, too.

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now