Fox 36

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"Yes, not a problem." 

Fox grumbled as the sound of someone speaking met his ears. He didn't want to get up, though. He was comfortable and warm snuggled up with Amos. 

"Ah, I've got to go. Call me if there are any other issues with the project," Owen said before he hung up. 

Fox heard the door lock a moment later, then the sound of the guy slipping his shoes off. 

He did finally open his eyes when he felt the back of Owen's cool fingers brush his forehead. 

"Hey..." Owen whispered as he leaned closer. 

Amos had shifted a bit as they'd slept and also got his head up onto the armrest while his arms wrapped lightly around Fox. One of his legs was nearly straight, stretching to the other end of the sofa, but his other one was a bit more brave and had nudged itself right between Fox's clothed legs. It was awkward when he first realized it, but freaking out wouldn't have done much, and once he'd calmed down, he found that he really didn't mind. Amos had been out cold, just like himself, so it probably had just been part of him readjusting his sleeping position a few times to get more comfortable. 

"He's pretty clingy when sleeping in tight quarters," Owen said with a chuckle. 

Fox smiled and reached up, gently settling his hand on the side of Owen's face. His skin was cold to the touch, clearly chilled by the winter air. He still had his heavy coat on, too. 

"Can I kiss Owen?" Fox asked, no hesitation in his voice this time. He wanted to kiss Owen, so he would ask. 

The question actually seemed to bring a pink tint to Owen's cheeks, but it was hard to see with the minimal light from the lamppost outside. 

"Of course," Owen replied as he finished leaning over Amos' sleeping form to press his cold lips to Fox's warm ones. 

The added chill made Fox shiver slightly, but he still loved the attention. 

"I'm being a patient, good boy. Just saying." 

Amos' sleep-heavy voice rasped beside him, drawing them away from each other so that him and Owen could look at the other man. He still looked really tired with his messy hair splayed out in every direction on the armrest. A bit of stubble also present on his jaw. 

Must have missed it earlier... was distracted. 

"Distracted?" Owen questioned, making Fox glance away for a moment as his face warmed. 

Amos simply chuckled and nudged himself closer to Fox, snuggling in with a content grumble before he glanced over his shoulder slightly. 

"We were just learning a bit, right Fox?" 

He'd expected him to say that they were playing, but that definitely wasn't what had happened. Learning was a better description. 


Owen tilted his head, but where Fox thought that he'd frown, he actually smiled and reached over to muss up Amos' hair. The random attention made Amos grumble again and nudge his head into Fox's chest awkwardly, his previous snuggling having made him remove his hands from Owen's face. 

"Bite 'im, Fox. He's messin' up my beautiful hair," he muffled into Fox's bare chest. His request actually made Fox laugh quietly. 

"But I don't want to bite Owen," he finally said once he'd calmed down, though the smile wouldn't leave his face. 

"Just think of him as a bunny," Amos said, making Fox blink. 

Considering what they'd said about bunnies earlier, Fox couldn't think of him that way. He definitely wasn't having sex like crazy, and he definitely didn't want to kill and eat him. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now