Fox 2

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(Thanks for all the comments. I won't be replying to them on this particular story, but I appreciate seeing/reading them. Cover fan art by Maycee Mouse :)) 

The constant deafening sound of barking made Fox's ears twitch as he was shoved into a large cage beneath several smaller, crazed demons. 

I swear I'm not going to be able to hear if I stay in this place for very long. 

After suffering in the noise for nearly an hour, the two men that had original caught him walked through the solid steel door across the room. The animal control officer had his catch-pole in his hand while the police officer held handcuffs. Yeah, both of those things aren't going to do you two any good this time. 

Unless they planned to move him with the pole, and it would take a hell of a lot of luck to get him snagged in it a second time, the tools would be useless. 

"Alright, kid. Time to shift and deal with the consequences of your actions. You've had long enough to cool off and think about what you've done." The policeman said as he reached for the little mechanism that opened the cage. 

Fox watched him push one small bar down while he lifted the other up, effectively unlocking the large cage he'd been shoved into earlier. Before the door could even be opened, however, Fox snarled and lunged for the man's fingers through the bars. The animal control officer slammed the door shut just in time for it to relock before Fox hit it. He did manage to swipe his paw through the bars, however, and land a good scratch on the policeman's wrist before he could jump away. 

"Little bastard!" The policeman yelled as he shook his bleeding wrist. "You think that you're just going to get away with acting like a feral animal? If you don't shift within five days, or give us a very clear sign that you have ever been human, then you'll be euthanized and your brain will be analyzed for rabies. That poor girl is getting those terrible shots right now because of you, and now I'm going to have to go get them, too." 

 Then get going. I warned her not to touch me repeatedly, and I clearly showed you both that I don't want you near me, either! 

The animal control officer stuck his catch-pole through a small opening that was clearly meant for it. Fox latched onto the pole and thrashed it harshly until the man managed to finally break it from the grip his little, but strong teeth, had on it. He was quite proud of the marks he managed to leave on the annoying device as both men took steps away from him. 

"Let's just go for now. He can stay here overnight and decide what he wants to do." The policeman said as he headed for the door. 

The animal control officer nodded and leaned his catch-pole against the far corner, then stepped out of the room after turning the lights off. Normally, Fox loved being in the dark. It calmed him and, even though some animals couldn't see that well at night, his vision was quite good. 

But there are no stars here... and no moon. 

The darkness that used to bring him comfort only brought with it anxiety that was quickly amplified by the continuous raucous barking from the small room he was in, as well as the roaring from the larger dog kennels just beyond the door to his right. 

Don't freak out. 

Fighting his nerves, Fox gave himself a good shake, then inched over to the little lever latch that he'd watched the man undo. Okay. Just focus and you'll be out of here in no time. He thought as he carefully sat back on his haunches against the bars of the cage, then reached out both of his paws. 

To his surprise, the latches were much harder to move than they had appeared to be when the man had unlocked the cage. He managed to get the one that needed to be depressed after about ten minutes of trying, but the one that needed to be lifted, and at the exact same time, was much harder to do. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now