Fox 24

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(Penguin is very happy in his new home XD No evil step sister there.)

Waking up to sounds around him, Fox slowly sat up and yawned, squeaking a tiny bit at the very end as he closed his mouth and twitched an ear. Evidently he'd shifted during the night.  

Looking to his left, he saw Amos tug a shirt over his head. The fabric slid down over his chest easily. It wasn't too toned, but he had a decent body. Turning his attention to the other sounds in the room, Fox glanced to the right and his ears perked up. Owen had a tan towel wrapped around his waist as he dried his hair with a white one. 

He was a bit scrawny, but foxes tended to be. They needed to be fast and nimble on their paws. 

"Someone's enjoying their view. Well, two someones, but he's probably a bit more interested than me right now, since I know you won't bottom for me," Amos said, drawing Owen to lift his head and halt drying his hair to look at Fox. 

He offered a half-grin, making Fox swish his tail and hop to the edge of the bed to get closer to the man. When Owen reached out and gently pat his head a few times, Fox felt like howling. He was just rolling over in the hopes of getting belly rubs when Amos walked over and reached down. 

It wasn't Owen, but he didn't mind Amos, either, especially when he found his scratching spot and got his back foot kicking. 

Almost as good as being cooked. 

"We both have classes today, so we figured that you might want us to call Noah and Henry to pick you up? I think they both work too, though," Amos said as he finished getting dressed and then ran a bit of gel through his hair. 

Fox rolled over, thinking about the situation. He didn't mind being alone, that was pretty much his life before Noah found him, but he also wanted to stay with Owen. 

"Want to come with us to class? Can you behave?" Owen asked, a raised eyebrow added to the question. 

He knows me so well already. I'm in love. 

Fox nodded, then paused and tilted his head. After a moment, he nodded again, answering both questions while making Owen give a quiet laugh before he tugged on a nice white dress shirt. He left the top two buttons undone and Fox definitely didn't mind, though he preferred no shirt, of course. 

Amos was already walking out the bedroom door with his backpack on his shoulder as Owen reached down for his own. 

"Let's head out, my furry friend," Owen said as he headed for the kitchen. 

They both added a few protein bars to their bags, then pulled on shoes by the door. Amos had his thick leather boots while Owen tugged on a pair of faded white sneakers. 

Fox hurried after them, hopping into the backseat of the car the moment the door was opened for him. He wasn't really interested in being around other people, but Owen had invited him to spend the day together, so of course he was going to accept. He also might need to, kind of, maybe, learn to be a bit more human-like. They had mentioned that he needed to learn some things so that he didn't misunderstand situations, so he intended to observe today. 

The car ride was quite fast, taking only about he didn't know how long, because Fox's don't care about time. He was soon hopping down from the car and onto hot asphalt. He immediately shifted from paw to paw, then darted for the shaded sidewalk nearby. 

"Sorry bud, forgot to warn you that it gets pretty hot," Amos said as he locked up the car and stepped up onto the sidewalk with Owen. 

I should have known, anyway. I've walked across plenty of streets. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin