Chapter Eighteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

I never thought it would come to this. I mean I knew it wouldn't end the way I wanted, But I could never imagine this. I didn't think I would have to plead with Sean, Part of me hoped that he would see my happiness and just accept it, But he hasn't. All this it has to stop, Sean can't control everything, He's acting like I belong to him, Sean thinks he can control everything, But he can't. I'm going to make sure Sean backs off. I've spent so long being scared of everyone and doing what everyone wants, Now it's time for me to be happy. I sighed as I put on my jacket, I texted Sean last night telling him to meet me, No tricks, No fighting, Just to speak. I still felt like Louis and Harry's beatings were because of me. If I wasn't here it wouldn't be happening, But also if I wasn't here I wouldn't be as happy as I am, Sean needs to see that hatred gets him no where, It seems that I'm the only one who can show him that, And I have to show him.

"You ready?" Zayn asked as he walked into the room.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Niall you don't have to do this you know, Not if you don't want to" Zayn stated.

"Yeah I do, I'm the only one Sean might listen to, anything is worth a try right now" I replied.

"And what if he hurts you then what?" Zayn asked.

"He wouldn't hurt me, Would he?" I asked.

"He might, Niall if he doesn't get his own way there could be a fight, I don't want you in the middle of all that" Zayn stated, I sighed.

"I already am in the middle Zayn, Sean has to see and I'm the only one who can make that happen" I replied, Zayn groaned.

"Fine, But the minute things kick off you get as far away as you possibly can alright?" Zayn stated, I sighed before nodding my head.

"Ok" I replied, Zayn nodded his head.

"The boys are ready to go" Zayn said, I nodded before making my way over to Zayn, He threw his arm around me as we left the room, We then made our way outside before jumping into the car.

It was a long drive, Zayn, Liam and Louis were talking strategy, I was thinking of what I would say to Sean. He's blinded by hatred towards Zayn, How can I make him stop? How can I make him see that he doesn't have to fight or lie? Or even be the biggest person around, There's more to life then that Sean just doesn't see it, I sighed as I leaned back in the car seat watching the world go by.

"You sure you don't want to turn back?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah Nialler it's not to late" Louis stated.

"Nobody will think any less of you if you don't want to do this, he's your cousin Niall" Liam added.

"That's why I have to do this, He might listen to me" I replied, They all nodded before Liam signaled to Zayn, We then saw Sean, Andy and a few others standing there.

"Were outnumbered" Liam stated.

"Yeah but were better then they are, Besides we have one advantage" Louis replied.

"What's that?" Zayn asked.

"You want to protect Niall, And they hurt Harry twice" Louis replied through gritted teeth, He then jumped out the car, I sighed before climbing out, Zayn took my hand as we began to walk towards them.

"Get your hands off him Malik!" Sean spat, Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Grow up Cullen" Zayn stated.

"Niall you ready to come home?" Sean asked.

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