Chapter Six

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, There's not much going on in this one but I wanted to write it because I feel like it's important to the story, Sorry it's short! Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Dreams are things we want, For me I always believed what you dream is what you want out of life. Lately I've been dreaming of Zayn, alot. Ever since we spent the day together I've wanted more and more of him. My dreams have varied but they've always contained him. I sighed as I finished my morning cup of tea, I wish I could speak to someone about this, Sean he's the only person I have, But he's out of the question right now. I don't know if I can trust him. I sighed once again before making my way upstairs, I was heading out but I had to tell Sean I was going first, I didn't want him worrying. 

"Sean you awake?" I asked as I pocked my head into his bedroom, I saw his body on the bed and I shook my head. "Come on lazy your sleeping the whole day away!" I stated before walking over and opening his curtains, A groan came from under the duvet. "Come on lazy!" I said before grabbing the duvet and pulling it from his body, I then gasped.

"Sean, Sean what the hell happened?!" I exclaimed as I rushed over to him, He had a busted lip and a swollen black eye.

"Niall leave it" He replied. 

"No I won't leave it, What happened Sean?" I stated anger and worry overtaking me.

"I fell down the stairs, No big deal" He mumbled.

"Bullshit! Do I look that stupid Sean?" I exclaimed, Sean lowered his head.

"Niall I don't want you worrying, Besides it's no big deal and I can handle it" He said.

"It's a big deal to me so tell me what happened Sean" I exclaimed once again.

"I was attacked, By Zayn's gang" He informed me, My eyes widened, It couldn't be true, Sean's lied before he's got to be lying again...Right?

"Why would they do this?" I asked trying to sound like I believed every word he was saying, Truth be told I didn't know what to believe.

"Because there a waste of decent air, They take pride in hurting people Niall, That's why I want to keep them away from you" Sean said, I nodded.

"Your ok though right?" I asked. His story didn't make sense. They attacked him with no reason behind it? 

"I will be.  Anyway forget about me, How was your date?" Sean asked raising his eyebrow, I rolled my eyes.

"It was great, I think I could really get to like her, Were meeting again today actually" I replied biting my lip. 

"Brilliant mate, Just be careful ok? Call me if you need me to pick you up" Sean said, I nodded my head.

"Can I get you anything before I go? Like maybe some ice for your eye?" I asked, Sean shook his head, I nodded before saying goodbye to him and leaving the room. Once I was in the safety of my own room I called Zayn.

"Vas Happnin!" He said when he answered the phone.

"Zayn it's me, Can we meet now?" I asked desperately.

"Of course, Meet me at the park we drove past the other day" He replied.

"See you then" I said before hanging up the phone. 

"Niall what's wrong? You sounded bad on the phone" Zayn stated before pulling me into a hug, I sighed before hugging him back.

"Zayn I really feel like we could be close, But I have some questions that need answering, I don't want any secrets between us" I exclaimed, We pulled away from the hug and Zayn nodded, He then took us to a place where we could talk. 

"So what do you want to know?" Zayn asked as he parked his car in our usual meeting space. 

"How serious is the gang?" I asked.

"We've never done anything to the extreme if that's what you mean. We try to survive out here no matter what it takes" Zayn replied.

"Have you ever killed anybody?" I asked.

"I never have no. I won't lie and say the injuries I caused someone didn't end there life, but I'e never set out to kill someone on purpose. But I can't speak for the boys on that matter" He replied.

"Would you ever kill somebody?" I said. 

"I've never really thought about it. I don't think I can answer that question, I've never had to kill a person, But if someone hurt a person I cared for, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions" He stated, I nodded my head.

"Would you ever attack an innocent person?" I asked images of Sean rushed through me.

"Never, If someone hasn't done something to me, I have no reason to hurt them" Zayn replied, I nodded believing every word he said. For reasons I can't understand Sean is lying to me.

"Niall are you and I ok? I mean those questions came out of the blue" Zayn stated.

"Yeah were fine, Just after finding out about the gang I needed to know them answers" I replied.

"Did you like the answers that you heard?" He asked.

"If they were the truth then yes I did" I replied, Zayn smiled.

"So does that mean I can look forward to many more dates with you?" Zayn asked.

"Only if you answer another question" I stated. 

"Fire away" Zayn said.

"Would you ever leave the gang behind?" I asked, hopeful.

"If I ever found a person worth leaving for I'd do it in a heartbeat" He replied, I smiled before biting my lower lip.

"Do you think you'll ever find that person?" I asked, Zayn blushed.

"I think I may already have" He whispered. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" He added, I blushed even harder.

"Maybe I do" I replied.

"I really care about you Niall, And it's a major thing for me, Even after this small time I still care" Zayn stated.

"I care for you too" I replied, Zayn smirked before leaning in and placing a kiss to my cheek. Who knows maybe this could be the start of something very beautiful. 

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