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Niall's Pov:

A new life. A new place to call home. A new family. A fresh start. Sometimes you can't leave a bad life behind. Sometimes a wrong that's been done can't be made right. I inhaled the fresh air outside. The wind was blowing all around me harshly. We rule our own lives. Our future is ours to make. Nothing in this world is unreachable. If you want something and you believe strongly enough then you'll achieve it. Sure you might get knocked down. You might not achieve what you want in one try but taking the cowards way out is never the answer.

Love. Love's the thing in this world that can make you or break you. We fall inlove with people we shouldn't. I fell inlove with someone I was told I shouldn't be around. I fell inlove with Zayn despite what other people wanted. Nothing in life is ever certain. Things can change over night and there's nothing you can do about it. Nobody can know anything for sure, But I do know something for sure. I know that Zayn loves me. He loves me more than anyone ever has before. Zayn would do anything I asked him to do. He'd give up everything he's ever known just for me. How do I know he would? Because he has. Zayn had power. He had the kind of power that people can only dream of but when it comes to that power or me, He chooses me. He'll protect me against any harm and for that I love every single piece of him. I love the good and I love the bad. Zayn's life brought danger but when I'm with him I feel nothing but protection.

So much has happened and I've had to make choices. Sean finally realized that Zayn truly loved me. He learned that Zayn would put himself between me and a bullet. It took me getting hurt for Sean to realize that when other people saw it just by looking at us. Andy hurt me. Andy put me in hospital and Zayn wanted to kill him. He wanted to cause him the same pain he caused me, But he didn't. As much as Zayn wanted to hurt him he knew whatever he did would take him from me. He knew it'd mean leaving me alone and that's something he couldn't do. Sean loved me but his pride came before anything else. I remember being told Sean was going after Andy. He wouldn't let it go, I knew that then. Sean wanted to right the wrongs he believed were done.

"Niall?! Niall you here?!" Zayn's voice called out. I turned around to see him run out into the garden. The second he saw me stood there all the tension left his shoulders. We moved far away. Far from all the danger. We moved where nobody could bother us. "There you are" Zayn crouched down for a moment and caught his breath. "I was calling you and you didn't answer" Zayn exclaimed.

"Sorry" I mumbled before clearing my throat. "Phones upstairs charging and I just needed some air" I replied, Zayn nodded his head in understanding.

"Have you heard anything?" I questioned, Zayn sighed and slowly nodded his head.

"I'm sorry Niall. I'm so sorry" Zayn mumbled as he looked straight into my eyes. I felt my stomach sink. I knew it wouldn't be good. I knew whatever outcome there was it'd bring devastation.

"How long?" I questioned, Zayn walked forward and took hold of both my hands.

"Niall. Sean wasn't sentenced" I raised my brow in confusion. How could he not be sentenced? Zayn must have seen the confusion in my eyes because he took a deep breath before explaining. "We all knew whatever outcome the sentence wouldn't be good. We couldn't fool ourselves into thinking it'd be anything but bad. He was facing life and he couldn't do it. He skipped court. Sean's run" I took in Zayn's words and part of me wasn't even shocked. I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Why would he think that'd help? If and when they find him he'll be facing a longer sentence!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe he doesn't think he should be punished for what he did. In Sean's eyes he was protecting you. Does that justify him attempting to kill Andy? No. But he did what I wanted to do. Andy hurt you. He hurt you twice and whatever mistakes Sean's made he loves you. He's always loved you and wanted to protect you. In his eyes that was the way to do it" Zayn explained, I shook my head.

"Yeah. Sean does love me. But this was about revenge. What Andy could have done and what he did was wrong but trying to kill him doesn't make it right. Killing him means he gets away with it. It means he's not punished for what he's done. Trying to kill him wasn't justice it was a simple solution" Zayn cupped my cheek.

"Back before I knew you I probably would've done the same thing. It's the way the gang life works. It's in all our eyes a family. If one member of that family gets hurt it's your job to stop it from happening again. I wanted to do what he did. I wanted to rip Andy's organs out one by one for touching you" I could physically feel anger running through Zayn's blood.

"But you didn't. You didn't do it because of me" I looked straight into Zayn's eyes. "As much as you wanted to hurt him you knew whatever you did would take you from me" I took a deep breath. "Sean loved me but not enough to change. Yeah he says he did it for me and maybe he did, but he also did it for power" I chuckled bitterly. "That was always the massive difference between the both of you" Zayn raised his eyebrow. "You never thought of power before love. No matter how much anger you felt you put me first" I said, Zayn cupped my cheek.

"If I got given the chance I'd kill him" Zayn whispered before clearing his throat. "If I could get away with it and know there'd be no backfire, I'd kill him. I'd kill him with my own hands. I hate him. I hate what he did to you. Inflicted with drugs or not he put his hands on you and I'll never let that go" Zayn stated. "But" He took a deep breath. "I know if I went after him there's no way I'd get away with it. Spending my life in prison isn't what I want. If I'm behind bars I can't protect you. I can't look after you and I won't leave you on your own. I couldn't leave you alone" Zayn exclaimed, I smiled and nodded my head.

"I know" I leaned forward and Zayn placed a kiss to my forehead. No matter how much he wanted revenge he'd never do anything that'd risk leaving me behind or bringing unnecessary pain to me. "Let's go inside" I whispered, Zayn nodded and placed his arm around me. We walked back into our home in complete silence. I sat down on the couch and Zayn went to walk into the kitchen but I held onto him tightly. "Stay here. I just wanna cuddle with you" I whispered, Zayn nodded and fell down beside me. He took me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. I exhaled deeply as Zayn traced patterns onto my shirt covered back.

"You don't have to pretend with me" I looked up at him. "Niall. Niall you don't have to act like you won't miss him or you aren't worried about him. He's your cousin" Zayn said softly. "If you wanna cry then cry. If you wanna scream in frustration then scream"

"I'm not pretending about anything. Sean made his choice and that's the way it is. I'm not saying I hate him because I don't. I hate the things he done. I hate the choices he made. I hate that he could never let the power go. I'll miss him. Of course I'll miss him but he's chose his own path and that's his choice. I can't say it's the wrong choice because it's not my life. I made my choice" I placed my hand on Zayn's cheek. "And I know I made the right one" He kissed my palm. "We've got this home and we've got our whole future waiting for us. You look after me and I'll look after you. We've got eachother" I said, Zayn smiled and nodded his head.

"We can't change the past but we can change our future" Zayn said, I chuckled.

"Who knew you were so wise" I teased, Zayn laughed and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I love you" He whispered against my lips. "I love you so much" He kissed me again.

"I love you too" I said as I continued kissing Zayn. Everything happens for a reason, that's what I've always believed. I'd lost Sean and I'd never be able to see him again but I had Zayn. I had someone in my life who I knew cared for me more than himself. He'd do anything for me and I loved him with every piece of my heart. We would build a life together. A life we both deserved and no matter what we'd be there and we'd put eachother first, After all that's what love is. Love doesn't come with a price and it doesn't judge. I fell inlove with Zayn Malik and I'd never be sorry for that. 

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