Chapter Twelve

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Sorry for the wait there's not much going on but there won't be for the next couple of chapters, But there is loads of drama coming up :)! Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

I knew I cared about Niall. I knew there was something there the moment I saw him, But last night made me realize just how much he means to me. The moment he called me I dropped everything, Including the boys, I've never done that, Not for anybody. The second I found out what Andy had done to him my blood boiled like never before, I've never wanted to hunt somebody down so badly before, I sighed as I looked at Niall sleeping soundly beside me, He still had Andy's hand mark imprinted on his arm, When I get my hands on him I swear he's going to wish he was never born. By now Sean would have realized Niall was gone, Andy would have no doubt lied about what happened, Sean would have then figured out we have Niall, of course jumping to the wrong conclusion, But if I'm not around maybe he would put two and two together then realize me and Niall are actually together, I smirked picturing the look on his face, I then kissed Niall on the head before deciding to call Liam.

"Li, It's me, How did the boys take the news?" I asked the second Liam answered the phone.

"At first not to good, They wern't to happy about who Niall is related to, But once I explained the situation they seemed to be ok with the whole idea" Liam informed me.

"So they would be ok with Niall moving in with us?" I asked.

"I don't see why not, Just give them a few days to come around to the idea" He said.

"Does Sean know anything?" I asked.

"No, He's clueless, He thinks you've taken Niall somewhere" He said.

"Well he's not wrong there. Listen Li, Me and Niall are getting away for a few days, If I text you the hotels address can you bring me some clothes?" I asked.

"Course, Just give me a couple of hours" Liam replied.

"Cheers mate, I owe you one" I stated before hanging up the phone. I then climbed back onto the bed and began to gently shake Niall, He groaned causing me to chuckle.

"Nialler, Come on it's time to get up" I said, Niall groaned once again before rolling over.

"Do I have to?" He mumbled while slowly opening his eyes.

"Afraid so, Liam's bringing us some clothes then were out of here for the weekend" I replied, Niall yawned loudly.

"Does Sean know?" Niall asked.

"Not yet, He thinks I've kidnapped you" I stated, Niall chuckled.

"If this is you kidnapping me, I'm loving every second of it" He said, I laughed before placing a gentle kiss to his lips.

An hour or so later there was a knock on the door, I opened it to reveal Liam. He quickly made his way inside, Once he placed the bag on the floor I gave him a friendly hug.

"It's good to see you man" I whispered.

"You too mate" We pulled away from the hug and Liam looked over at Niall. "You must be Niall, Zayn's told me loads about you" He said, Niall nodded his head nervously.

"Nialler, It's ok, Liam's my best friend" I said, Niall nodded before walking towards us.

"Nice to meet you Liam" He said before extending his hand, Liam chuckled before pulling him into a quick hug. 

"It's great to finally meet the boy who stole Zayn's heart" Liam stated, Niall chuckled causing me to once again smile, I had a feeling Liam and Niall were going to be great friends.

Liam stayed for a while before leaving to get back to the boys, I told him to keep me informed with everything that happens while I'm away. I smiled to myself as Niall walked out the bathroom wearing my clothes, He gave me a confused look.

"How is it possible that my clothes look better on you then they do me" I asked, Niall chuckled.

"Maybe it's fate" He said before walking over to me.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Maybe in someway it proves were meant to be together" He whispered, I smiled before kissing him gently, Niall pulled away with a smile on his face.

"So where are we heading to?" He asked.

"The countryside were staying there for the weekend, Then were going to move you into my place" I replied.

"Zayn are you sure about this? I mean all the trouble I'm going to bring you and your boys" Niall asked.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you and I don't care what I have to go through, I'm not losing you not to anybody, I'd circle the whole world for you Nialler" I stated meaning every word.

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