Chapter Eight

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, It didn't turn out the way I wanted but I really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

It's not true! It can't be true! Zayn he's lying, He's got to be lying, Sean he wouldn't lie to me, He wouldn't keep something like that from me, Right? I sighed as I rejected yet another call from Zayn, I've been ignoring him for the past week. How can he lie to me then expect me to act like everything's ok again? I thought I could trust Zayn, I thought that he was different from everyone else, Despite everything I thought maybe he actually wanted to change, I suppose maybe I was wrong. I sighed before grabbing a pillow and then I screamed into it, Trying to get all my frustrations out. Over the past week I've considered various options, I've considered completely ignoring Zayn, Maybe confronting Sean over what Zayn accused him of, Or the biggest of all, going home. I figured it would be the easiest way to avoid Zayn, I could go back to Ireland and be an outcast, On the plus side I wouldn't have to see Zayn's face ever again, But then I would have to explain to Sean why I wanted to go home, So that wasn't an option either. I sighed once again before laying down on the bed, I then closed my eyes.

'Look inside your heart Niall, I've never once lied to you, How many times has Sean lied!' My eyes shot open as Zayn's comment ran through my mind, Maybe he has a point? I mean Sean has lied to me before, He lied about Zayn being complete trouble. I decided there was only one person I could speak to and that was my mum. 

"Sweetheart how are things in Bradford?" My mum asked as she answered the phone. 

"Yeah things are great" I replied.

"Are you settling in well? How is Sean?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, There it is always wondering about Sean.

"Yeah things are amazing, Sean, Yeah erm actually mum I was just wondering why did Sean leave Ireland? I mean you never really told me" I stated. 

"He wanted his own independence away from Ireland. He wanted to venture out on his own, The way you are" She stated. I bit my lip not believing a word of it.

"But he left so suddenly" I reminded her.

"Niall, Sean has made a new life for himself, He left Ireland because he wanted to, He's growing up and becoming a reliable man, I suggest you do the same" She informed me aggression filling her voice. I sighed.

"Alright mum, I have to go, I miss you" I whispered before hanging the phone up. Maybe Zayn was right, Maybe Sean is the one who's been lying. I decided I couldn't continue playing around with him, I had to confront him.

"What are we going to do now? He's seen his face" I heard Andy's voice as I made my way downstairs, I don't normally agree with spying but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"We have to step up our game" Sean replied, I raised my eyebrows as I continued to listen.

"He knows what Niall looks like now" Andy stated.

"You don't think I know that?! Niall is my main priority in all this Andy! No harm is to come to him, Do you understand that?!" Sean half yelled making my mouth drop.

"We can't be around him 24/7 he will get suspicious" Andy replied, I bit my lip.

"Then we have to make sure Zayn can't physically get near Niall" Sean stated. My eyes widened. Everything Zayn said was true, Sean's been lying to me this whole time. I quickly rushed away from the door, I then grabbed my phone before rushing out the frontdoor. 

Meet me please? -Ni x

I texted Zayn before taking off in a sprint down the road. 

I ran and ran, I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, I had to make things right with Zayn, I had to tell him I was sorry, I had to make sure he knew what Sean was planing, There was so many things I had to do I just pray that I had enough time. I arrived at the alley fifteen minutes later, I ran through it spotting Zayn's car seconds later, He was leaning against it.

"Zayn!" I yelled as I ran over to him, Zayn looked up from the ground, Hope filling his eyes.

"Niall I-" I cut Zayn off as my body collided with his, I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Zayn, You was right, This whole time you was right, I'm sorry Zayn, Please, Please forgive me" I chocked out struggling to catch my breath, Zayn said nothing he only held me close to his body. "I'm so sorry Zayn, You was right, Sean he's the liar" I stated.

"Shh, Don't be sorry Niall, He's your family, You never want to see the bad in them" He whispered, I sighed before closing my eyes leaning into his touch.

"I should have listened to you, The things I said to you" I raised my head from Zayn's shoulder. "The things I said, I didn't mean them Zayn, Please forgive me" I whispered, Zayn smiled before cupping my cheek.

"There's nothing to forgive Niall, You needed to know the truth, I only regret that you had to find out that way" Zayn replied. I shook my head.

"He's going to come after you Zayn, He's going to hurt you" I informed him.

"Don't worry about me Niall, I can take care of myself against him" Zayn stated.

"How can I not worry?" I whispered, We looked eachother deeply in the eyes.

"Niall I-" I cut him off.

"Zayn your not using me are you? To get at Sean?" I asked him, He shook his head.

"I won't lie to you, At first if I knew who you were I would have, But not now. I've spent time with you Ni, I know how amazing you are, I could never use you to hurt Sean, If anything he could use you to hurt me" Zayn whispered, My eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I care for you Niall, I want to keep you safe" Zayn whispered, I smiled, Zayn returned the smile before pulling me into yet another hug, I smiled as I buried my head in the crook of his neck. Something about being in Zayn's arms just felt right to me, Nobody has made me feel this warm in a long time, He's the only one who seems to actually really care for me, He tells me the truth no matter how much it hurts, All I need is the truth, Zayn he understands this. 

"Niall?" Zayn whispered, I reluctantly lifted my head from his neck before looking at him.

"Yeah?" I replied. 

"I erm, Well I, Oh fuck it" Zayn stated before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss to my lips. I smiled just as he pulled away.

"I like you Niall" He informed me. I grinned before pulling him into another kiss.

"I like you too" I replied, Zayn chuckled before shaking his head. He then pulled me against his chest once again, I didn't know how things would end, Heck right now I don't even think I care. All I know is I care for Zayn, And he cares for me, He makes me happy and I know for a fact I deserve some happiness. No matter how much Sean doesn't like it, I'm doing this even if I have to keep it a secret, I'm being with Zayn and there's not a damn thing Sean can do about it!

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