Chapter Twenty One

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Heya guys here's the last chapter of the story, Thank you to everybody who's read this story, I really hope you enjoyed it.

Zayn's Pov:

My heart was racing, Everything was happening so fast I didn't have time to worry about blinking or even breathing. Tears were pouring down my face like a leaking tap. Niall my Niall was hurt, He wouldn't let you touch his arm he was in agony and there was nothing I could do. I was supposed to protect him, This is all my fault. I wanted nothing more then to hold Niall tell him the pain would stop, But I couldn't, If I did I'd hurt him I didn't want that. More tears streamed down my face as I watched Niall being loaded into the ambulance, People were staring at him like this was some kind of entertainment, I wanted to yell at them all, Tell them to fuck off and mind there own business, But right now Niall was more important, I quickly jumped into the ambulance and sat beside Niall desperately trying to calm his screams. This isin't how it's supposed to be, Were supposed to be on the way to my parents, Not in this ambulance, Niall's supposed to be singing along to whatever songs on the radio, Not screaming out in pain. I can't think straight all I want is for Niall to be ok. I know it's not broken, I've broken my bones before so I can just tell, But that doesn't mean that serious damage hasn't been done, I need to know, I need to know what's happened to his arm.

We arrived at the hospital only minutes later, The second we were inside the reception I was being pushed back by various doctors, They were telling me to stay back, That the best thing I can do for Niall right now is to be calm. I kept screaming at them telling them they had to tell me what was wrong, All I could get out of them was they would tell me when there was news, All I could do was wait. Once I'd calmed down a little I knew I'd have to tell the boys, I decided to call Liam stating I would tell him what happened when they arrived, I then sat down in the waiting room waiting for news on Niall.

"Zayn what happened to him? Is he ok?" Liam asked as he rushed in with Harry and Louis right behind him, I shrugged my shoulders desperately trying to keep my tears in.

"I don't know, I just don't know" I whispered as a single tear fell, Liam sighed before pulling me into a hug.

"Zi what happened to him?" Louis asked, I took a deep breath.

"We went to the shop, Niall said he was thirsty and that he wanted a drink, So we went to get him one, Andy and Sean were there, I stayed close to him, I swear I did, But Sean he pushed my buttons, He knows just what buttons to push, We ended up fighting, I was to busy dealing with Sean to realize Niall needed me, By the time I realized it was too late, Niall he was on the floor screaming in pain holding his arm, Andy was near him he hurt Niall" I exclaimed.

"What did you do?" Louis asked.

"Nothing, I wanted to rip Andy apart, I wanna make him suffer, But Niall was my first concern" I stated, Louis nodded.

"We'll take care of Andy" He replied, I shook my head.

"No, He's mine" I said.

"Listen right now Niall is the main concern, What damage was done to his arm?" Liam asked.

"I don't know, It's not broken as far as I know" I whispered, Liam nodded before leaning back into the chair, All we could do now is wait.

"How is he?" A strange voice filled the air, I looked up to see Sean standing there and my blood began to boil.

"Get the hell out of here!" I spat.

"I just want to know how my cousin is! You can't deny me that!" Sean yelled.

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