Chapter Seventeen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, I really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

I couldn't be more proud of Niall. He stood up for himself against Sean, He told Sean exactly how it is and he didn't back down. Heck he even gave me his blessing to beat the fuck out of Andy, Have I mentioned lately how much I love that boy? I've noticed a change in Niall, Not a major one he just seems so much more confident. I bit my lip, Right now I have an ultimatum, I want Niall to meet my family, I know that's a major step in our relationship and I think were ready for it. We've gone through Sean so my parents will be no match for us. I inhaled deeply as I looked in the mirror, I turned on the taps at the sink before throwing a wash cloth in, I then began to hum to myself as I washed my face. Seconds later I heard the bathroom door open I looked up to see Niall leaning against the door frame, I smiled before shaking my head.

"Foods in the oven, Everybody's out and I'm waiting downstairs with a blanket and my hot body, But my boyfriends up here looking at himself in the mirror, Do I have competition?" Niall joked, I chuckled as he raised his eyebrow.

"Well have you seen me?" I joked.

"Of course I have, But there's one problem" Niall said as he walked towards me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well I'm much better company" Niall replied as he wrapped his arms around me, I nodded my head in agreement.

"You definitely are" I stated before placing a gentle kiss to Niall's lips, We pulled away seconds later smiling at eachother. "Listen babe I've had an idea, But if your not ok with it tell me alright?" I stated, Niall nodded his head.

"Ok?" He said with confusion in his eyes.

"I erm well, I want you to meet my family" I blurted out, Niall's eyes widened.

"I-I-W-Wow-R-Really?" Niall stuttered out.

"Yeah, I love you Niall and my family are apart of my life, Even though I don't see them, I want them to know about you Ni" I stated, Niall smiled before nodding his head.

"If it means that much to you then of course I will" Niall replied, I smiled before pulling him into another kiss.

"Come on the food will be here soon" Niall stated as he pulled me from the room.

"I thought you cooked us food?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I did. I cooked some chips to go with the curry that's being delivered" He replied, I laughed.

"You amaze me you know that?" I said as myself and Niall walked into the sitting room, we then laid out on the sofa, Niall began chuckling.

"Woah is my badboy going soft on me?" Niall joked.

"Maybe, But tell anyone your going to pay" I stated.

"Oh really?" Niall replied raising his eyebrow.

"Definitely" I stated before leaning down and placing a kiss to his lips.

"I love you Zayn you know that" Niall said.

"I love you too" I replied, Niall smiled before inhaling.

"Is it stupid that even though I love you, I still don't feel ready to sleep with you?" Niall asked, I shook my head.

"No it's not stupid, Nialler if your not ready then that's fine with me. You don't have to prove yourself, When your ready tell me, Until then I'm happy just laying here with you in my arms" I stated, Niall smiled before cuddling closer to me. Suddenly the front door was slammed open and my name was being yelled.

"Zayn! Zayn! Zayn where the fuck are you!" 

"What's going on?" Niall asked with confusion in his eyes.

"I have no idea" I replied, I quickly untangled myself from Niall's body before standing up, Seconds later the boys were making there way into the room supporting Louis and Harry on there shoulders

"What the fuck happened?!" I stated, Niall quickly rushed over and turned the light on, I then saw Louis busted open face and Harry's fresh cuts.

"One guess" Liam replied as he sat Louis body down, Louis winched before holding his hand out to Harry, Niall helped Josh place Harry beside Louis before rushing off into the kitchen.

"Sean" I replied, The boys nodded there head. 

"He said this is sending us a message" Josh stated as he moved back, Niall rushed into the room with a first aid box, Liam took it from him with a smile before crouching down infront of Louis.

"Clean Harry first" Louis said, Liam nodded before turning his attention to Harry.

"Did Sean do this?" Niall asked, Louis looked up.

"He wasn't there, But his gang did it, They were sending a message telling us to bring you back" Louis stated with a chuckle.

"Maybe I should go back" Niall whispered.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Niall don't be stupid, This is classic Sean we've had worse don't worry about it" Louis replied, Niall sighed.

"If I wasn't here this wouldn't have happened to you guys" Niall whispered.

"Yeah it would have, Nialler were at war with Sean, Don't feel like this is your fault because it's not" Harry stated, Niall looked down.

"Still, I'm sorry" Niall exclaimed, Louis shook his head before standing up, He then made his way over to Niall.

"See not in any pain, Well not any pain that I can't handle anyway, Don't blame yourself Nialler, Your family now" Louis stated he then pulled Niall into a hug, I sighed.

"We have to sort this with Sean once and for all" I stated.

"How?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, But this, it's not fair on Niall or any of us, Sean has to be taught a lesson" I exclaimed.

"You mean your going to fight?" Niall asked.

"I don't know, But we have to do something" I said, All the boys nodded in agreement.

"Let me speak to him" Niall stated, My eyes widened.

"Hell no!" I stated, Niall groaned.

"Zayn he's my cousin, If I can't get through to him then nobody can, If I can't convince him to stop this then you guys can beat the shit out of eachother with my blessing, Just let me try" Niall stated, I lowered my head.

"It's worth a try Zi, I'll go with him" Liam said.

"Me too" Louis added.

"Me three" Harry said, Louis turned around.

"Not happening" He stated.

"What?! Why?!" Harry argued.

"You've had two beatings already Haz, You haven't even healed from the first one, So your pretty little ass is staying here with Dani" Louis stated, Harry groaned before pouting, Louis chuckled before blowing him a kiss.

"Fine, You can speak to Sean, But me, Li and Lou are coming with you for back up" I stated, Niall nodded his head, I then opened my arms and Niall rushed into them, I kissed the top of his head before staring at the boys, We knew this would end in a fight, I was just afraid that Niall doesn't see it to. 

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