Chapter One

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Heya guys, Here's the first chapter there's not much happening in this one but I hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

Loyalty that's what a gangs all about if you ask me. If your not loyal to one another it means nothing. You have to trust them with everything you have. Each day you put your life in there hands, What's the point in doing that if you don't trust eachother? Trust and loyalty that's the key to a strong bond of fellowship. I'm Zayn Malik and I'm a part of one of the biggest street gangs around. I drink, I smoke, I fuck random people to make up for my lack of love. You could say I'm a resident bad boy. I have my gang so I don't need to be loved by anybody. I have the life people could only dream of having. People quiver in fear when they hear my name. I've never been inlove and I never plan to be. There's no use in me lying, I'm a bad person I've done bad things which include murder. I use knives and guns to win a fight. It's a lifestyle to me now. My gang consist of my old school friends Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Josh Devine. That's where all this started for us on the playground. We took part in various small fights, Which lead to bigger fights, Which then lead to larger groups of people finding out about us. We all dropped out of school at aged 15, And here we are now. Fighting our rival gang on a day to day bases. It's all about being the main hard man. Your street reputation, being the one most feared, myself and my rival both want that. My rival is Sean Cullen. He got in a fight one day took on five other blokes and beat them all. Ever since he's been the one to watch, him and his gang. He needs taking down and I intend on being the one to do that. I want him gone and he wants me gone, We will both stop at nothing to make sure this happens.

"So what's the latest?" I asked as I walked into the smoking den in my house.

"Things are pretty quiet nobody has challenged us" My long time friend Liam replied. I nodded my head in satisfaction.

"Yeah because they know they'll go down" Louis exclaimed before high fiving Harry. 

"What about Cullen?" I asked.

"Again pretty quiet. Word on the street is he's got somebody coming over to stay with him, No news yet on who it is, Whoever it is we could use to to our advantage" Josh replied. 

"God job boys, See what else you can find out about this visitor" I said before standing up and leaving the room. 

Sean's Pov:

Being the strongest and most feared that's what being in a gang is all about. If you show people who's boss then there intimidated by you. Fear is the best feeling. I've been a leader of my gang for half my life, I know nothing else only fighting and fighting to survive, It's a dangerous world out there everyday is a test for survival. Don't get me wrong I know love more than any other gang out there. Family is what also matters to me, That's why none of them know I'm in a gang, it would rip us all apart if they found out. Especially my little precious Niall. He's as innocent as the day god made him. A little baby at heart. He would never hurt or punch anybody. He was taught right from wrong and he carries that lesson with him even to this day. He hates violence and believes there's no real need for it. In his world it's all perfect, he has no idea what the real world is. So there's no way he can find out about this gang, Especially my enemy Zayn Malik. Niall would never be safe if Zayn found out he was related to me.

"Fellas listen up" I said grabbing the attention of my gang. "As you all know my cousin Niall is flying in today to come and live with me, Now you also know he has no knowledge of this gang and I want it kept that way" I said.

"But Sean, There's no guarantee Zayn won't touch him, If he finds out who he is the easiest way to hurt you is through Niall" Andy spoke up.

"Zayn know's nothing of Niall's arrival, He also has no clue what Niall looks like, So we can use that to our advantage, However we will still do everything we can to protect Niall and keep him from Zayn" I replied.

"But what if he meets Zayn and let's slip about who he is?" Ray added.

"Niall's shy, There's no chance of that happening" I replied before grabbing my car keys and leaving the room.

I waited at the airport for Niall for a good hour. After what felt like forever I saw his bleach blonde hair.

"Niall!" I shouted quickly gaining his attention.

"Sean!" He yelled back before rushing over to me, He quickly dropped his bags to the floor as we embraced in a tight hug. 

"How was your flight buddy?" I asked as we pulled away, I then picked up his bags before signaling for him to follow me.

"Pretty good" He replied.

"You hungry?" I asked smirking at him.

"Obviously!" He replied grinning from ear to ear, I chuckled before dropping an arm around his shoulder and walking him out the airport. That's my innocent little Nialler.

We drove to a local cafe it wasn't much but it was a place where Nialler and myself could eat, A place I knew Zayn would never come into. I'm risking alot bringing Niall here, But I have every bit of faith that myself and my gang can protect him.

"Nialler what do you want to eat?" I asked as we sat down. Niall shrugged his shoulders before he took a look at the menu, His face lit up as he read over each item of food. "Get whatever you want buddy, my treat" I added, Niall nodded just as a waitress came over. 

"What can I get you guys?" She said, I looked at Niall signaling for him to go first.

"Erm, A large cheese burger with chips, Plate of onion rings on the side, And a milkshake please" Niall said, I smiled before shaking my head.

"I'll have the same please minus the onion rings" I added. 

"Anything for desert?" She asked. 

"Two slices of chocolate cake please" I said, Niall grinned as the waitress walked off.

"I'll never know where you put it all Nialler" I commented before chuckling, Niall grinned at me before shrugging his shoulders. 

"I love my food" He replied, I smiled at him. 

"You haven't changed Nialler, It's really good to see you" I said.

"It's good to see you too" Niall replied, We then began having a long catch up about everything that's been happening back home in Ireland. Of all things there Niall is what I miss the most, He's more like a kid brother to me, I have the urge to protect him from everyone, Which is why I was keeping him away from Zayn Malik. 

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