Chapter Thirteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, There's not much going on in this one but I thought this chapter was important to the story, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

How can something good come from something bad? How can confusion turn into a person knowing exactly what they want? How can developing trust issues turn you into trusting someone you haven't know for a very long time? How can you fall inlove with someone who until a few months ago was a complete stranger? Life can change in a heartbeat, You can go from being so certain about everything, To not knowing a thing, The people you think you can trust are the ones who turn around and lie to your face. You can think you know a person then they turn around and prove you wrong. I thought I knew Sean, I thought I could trust him, He's my family how could he turn around and lie to me as if I'm a nobody? The one thing I've learnt is to always follow your heart, I hardly knew Zayn, At first he was a complete stranger to me, Now I feel like he's the only person I can actually trust. Sean, all he cares for is being the biggest and most feared person around, He didn't care for my safety, If he did he wouldn't have left me with nutcase Andy, But Zayn he really cares for me, He wants nothing more then to keep me safe, He came to my rescue without a second thought, Everything Zayn does I don't believe in, I don't believe in gangs and fighting, But I'm drawn to Zayn I really am, I can't describe what it is, He cares for me in ways I've always wanted, When he holds me in his arms nothing else matters to me, I feel safe, Loved and wanted, Nothing can beat a feeling like that. 

I sighed to myself as I sat down on the patio of our hotel overlooking the water, It looked beautiful during the day, But of a night the view was breathtaking. The water flew smoothly and the little lights would reflect on the water making it breathtaking. I smiled as I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist, I then inhaled Zayn's familiar scent.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He whispered, I nodded my head in agreement.

"Breathtaking" I agreed, Zayn gently kissed my neck before gently rubbing my sides, He's made a habit of doing that ever since we got together, It relaxes me when I'm stressed. 

"What's on your mind?" Zayn asked.

"Just thinking about everything, How things have changed you know?" I replied, Zayn nodded his head.

"Are you having second thoughts?" He said, I shook my head.

"Never, I could never have second thoughts or regret you, Your one of the biggest parts of my life now. I'm just thinking how things can change over a short period of time, I thought I knew what love was until I met you, You made me realize I had no idea what real love was" I exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked as he sat down on the decking chair before pulling me into his lap. 

"Back home I never fit in. I always felt like I didn't belong for reasons I couldn't understand, I was always second best to everyone and everything, I felt alone, Like the only way I could fit in was by being something I wasn't" I explained.

"Nobody should have to be something there not, I'm glad you didn't change who you were" Zayn stated, I smiled.

"It was always about Sean. He was mister perfect to everyone, He was the one who got out of Ireland and made everyone proud, He made something of his life, If only they knew it was all lies" I whispered, Zayn sighed.

"You can't choose your family Ni, Maybe in Sean's mind he though he was protecting you by lying, But even I know it doesn't get you anywhere. With some people there pride gets in the way, If you live a lifestyle for long enough that lifestyle is what you become, He's been a gang leader for years I think he's gotten lost in it" Zayn explained.

"But you've been a gang leader for longer and your not lost, You know who you are, You don't lie"I exclaimed.

"I guess I found someone who saved me from going down that road. I found someone who I'd give this life up for in a heartbeat, I didn't think I could love anybody more then I love my gang, I was into one night stands, Meaningless sex, I didn't think I was capable of love, Until I found you, You proved me wrong Ni. You saved me" Zayn explained, I smiled before turning around and wrapping my arms around Zayn's neck, Zayn smiled and gently kissed my neck. 

"I wish we could just stay here, Forget the world, Forget the worries" Zayn whispered, I shook my head.

"I don't, I want us to go back. I want everyone to know were together, I want Sean to know, He can't always win and he's not going to, I love you Zayn and I'll never regret it" I stated, Zayn smiled before gently kissing me.

"Neither will I Ni, When we get home I'm going to protect you, I don't care who I have to take down to do it" Zayn stated making me smile.

Being with Zayn can't feel more right to me. Being able to walk down the streets holding his hand without a care in the world makes me feel free. Back home everytime were out in public we have to hide, We have to meet in secret so Sean and nobody can find us, But here nobody knows us and we've taken this opportunity to just be inlove. We've walked down the street hand in hand, We've gone for dinner together, We've stood on the beach embracing one another and we've watched the sun go down while kissing the night away, As corny as it sounds it's just like a fairytale. The whole time we've been here I've left my phone off, Zayn told me that if I wanted he would buy me a new phone so there was no way Sean could get hold of me, I told him no because what were doing it's not wrong, Were two people who have fallen inlove, Sean can hate it as much as he likes but I don't care. Zayn makes me happy and if he really cared about me Sean would accept that. I smiled to myself as Zayn walked up to me and sat beside me on the beach.

"Liam rang, The boys are ready to meet you properly" Zayn stated.

"Wow, Really?" I asked, Zayn chuckled before nodding his head.

"We leave tomorrow, You ok with that?" He asked.

"Of course" I stated, Zayn smiled before wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I laid my head onto his neck before smirking.

"Zi baby?" I said.

"Yeah?" Zayn replied.

"I was thinking, Since this is our last night here before we go back, I thought maybe we could have a cheeky little swim" I stated, Zayn's eyes widened as he began shaking his head.

"No! No! No Nialler you know I can't swim!" Zayn exclaimed, Making me laugh happily.

"Oh come on badboy, I'll hold your hand, I promise" I replied with a smirk on my face.

"Are you teasing me Horan?" Zayn gasped.

"You'll have to catch me to find out" I stated before quickly jumping out of Zayn's arms and running into the water, Zayn laughed happily before running in after me, I decided not to go in to deep because Zayn can't swim, I laughed happily as he continued failing to catch me. Suddenly I felt Zayn's strong arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me against him, He then gave me a passionate kiss as we stood in the middle of the water, As long as me and Zayn had eachother nothing Sean or anybody does can break us apart. 

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