Chapter Three

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, I'm sorry if it's boring, The next chapter will be alot better, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

Who is he? What's his name? Is he new around here? Why haven't I seen him before? Why can't I get him out my mind? Why does he have the most beautiful eyes I've ever looked into? And that accent oh god his accent is perfection. I didn't have a clue who this boy was and all I wanted to do was see him again. I sighed as I laid back in bed. I wonder if I'm ever going to see this boy again? I jumped out of bed the second I heard my phone ringing, Louis name came up on caller ID.

"Hello?" I said. 

"Zayn where are you?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

"What are you my mother? I'm still in bed" I replied, Louis wolf whistled down the phone.

"You get laid last night?" He asked. 

"No I didn't" I said before climbing out of bed. 

"Makes a change, Anyway want to remind you of the fight tonight, And we couldn't find anything out about Sean's little guest" He explained, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm aware of the fight Louis I was there when you started the fucking punch up! As for Cullen you don't stop digging until you find out who this guest is! I want to know names, Relations everything! Now I'll be with you boys in around an hour" I replied before hanging up, I then threw my phone back on my bed before heading down stairs, I made my way into my kitchen grabbing a carton of orange juice and glass, I was almost finished downing it as Liam walked in.

"Morning Zi" He said, I nodded before sitting down at the table across from him. 

"Li can I ask you something?" I asked, I knew I could confined in Liam.

"Of course you can" He replied. 

"The thing is, Well last night when I went for my normal walk, I bumped into this boy and he bumped straight into me, Causing me to fall to the floor-" Liam cut me off.

"Tell me you didn't beat the crap out him Zayn" He asked, I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.

"No actually I didn't, I was going to until, Well until, Until I looked into his eyes. Li he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen, They were ocean blue that had a sparkle in it that I can't explain, I never got his name but I just can't get him out my head Li" I explained, Liam chuckled. 

"Love at first sight" He teased as he smirked at me, I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off" I mumbled. 

"Zi I was the exact same when I met Danielle" He said, I groaned. 

"That bollocks doesn't exist Liam" I said before standing up and leaving the room, I then screamed into a pillow the minute I entered my room. I barley know this fucking kid so why won't he get out my fucking head?! I quickly looked at my phone to see what the time was, I then got changed and rushed down stairs driving off to meet the rest of the boys with Liam. We didn't speak about the blonde boy for the rest of the day and I wanted to keep it that way. 

Niall's Pov:

I awoke that morning after having a dream about the boy from last night. He was beautiful simply beautiful. He had beautiful eyes and his smile was just flawless. I smiled as I lay awake, How can a human look like an utter angel? I then sighed as the name Zayn Malik came into my mind. Who is he? And why the fuck does he have to be kept away from me? Honestly I'm hurt, Sean he tells me everything, He's never once hidden anything from me so why is he starting now? What's the big deal about Zayn how bad can he be? I then climbed out of bed and made my way down the stairs. I walked into the sitting room to find Sean sitting there with a cup of tea in his hands. 

"Morning Nialler" He said as he smiled at me, I returned it before sitting down.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" He asked, I nodded my head, Sean then stood up and made his way into the kitchen. While he was gone his phone vibrated and I decided to take a quick look. It was from Andy, All it said was the name of some warehouse and a time. A few minutes later I heard Sean coming back and I quickly sat down, He smiled as he handed my tea over, I took it thankfully before taking a sip.

"Thanks" I said, Sean nodded before sitting down.

"How was your sleep?" He asked. 

"It was great. Erm Sean?" I said.

"Yeah Nialler?" He replied. 

"If I asked you something you would tell me the truth right? I mean were close we don't have secrets" I stated, Sean raised his eyebrow before nodding.

"Of course Nialler what's wrong?" He asked. 

"Erm last night when I came back from my walk, I, I heard you speaking with Andy, About some Zayn Malik?" Sean's eyes widened " You said he had to be kept away from me" I finished, Sean sighed. 

"Nialler the thing is, Zayn he's not a nice guy. He causes trouble around here, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. He's dangerous Niall, I just want you to be safe" Sean explained. I couldn't help but think that he was lying, But Sean wouldn't do that to me. I nodded my head before finishing my cup of tea. 

"I'm sorry for questioning you I just needed to know" I said, Sean nodded before dropping an arm around me.

"He's dangerous Niall, He's done things that I won't mention" Sean said, I nodded before standing up and heading off to get changed. 

I didn't question Sean when he said he was out for the night, I mean why would I? I told him I would be going out for a walk and he made me promise I wouldn't speak to anybody. I didn't plan on talking to no one unless I bumped into the mysterious boy again. I honestly wanted to see him again. He won't leave my mind, His face it's just there like a memory that's gotten stuck inside my brain. The night air was cold and bitter, I was wrapped up nice and warm yet my body was still shivering. Sean showed me a short cut earlier to get home so I decided tonight would be the perfect time to take it. As I was walking I saw a boy leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette. I hate smoking, I think it's a disgusting habit and causes nothing but trouble. It was only a narrow path and there wasn't much room for me to get past so I knew I would have to speak to the stranger to get past. 

"Erm excuse me" I said, The boy looked up from the ground and I was once again greeted by those beautiful eyes, A small smile spread across his face. 

"Hello again" He said, I smiled.

"Erm I'm sorry for yesterday" I mumbled, He shook his head.

"Forget about it mate, It was my fault" He replied while smiling at me, I returned the smile. 

"So, You new around here haven't seen you before" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I moved here a few days ago, I'm living with my cousin" I replied, He nodded his head. 

"What's your name kid?" He asked.

"Erm Niall, Niall Horan, What's yours?" I asked. 

"Zayn Malik" He replied before extending his hand, My eyes widened as I heard him speak his name. The trouble maker Sean told me to stay away from was the boy I couldn't get out of my mind! 

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