Chapter Nineteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Hope you like it, This chapter is dedicated to melissahunxx because she loves this story so I wanted to dedicate a chapter to her, Really glad you like the story and I hope you like this chapter, Leave me your feedback.

Guys there's only around two more chapters left of this story

Zayn's Pov:

I've never been the kind of person to let words affect me. Anything could be said to me and I wouldn't care. Although that was then this is now. In the past I never had a weakness, Nobody could hurt me because nothing brought me down or allowed me to show any kind of fear. I was never weak, But things have changed now, Now I have somebody in my life who means more to me then the gang or the fighting, I have Niall. Niall has become my weakness and everyone around me knows it, I know it, The boys know it, Niall knows it, What's worse is Sean knows it, He's used it against me. No matter how much I try I can't get his words out my mind, I don't know if it's anger or because I think he's right. I groaned as I dropped down on my bed, I then rolled over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. I shouldn't be letting him do this, Sean's words they shouldn't be bothering me, But they are. Niall's perfect in every way, He has the smile, The laugh, The carefree attitude, The perfect hugs that make your body melt against his, The sparkle in his ocean blue eyes that you just get lost in, The love he gives. Niall could have anybody he wanted but he chose me, Everybody knows he's to good for me, Heck even I know it, But I love him, I love him so much that it kills me inside, I'm so afraid of losing him, Maybe that's why Sean's words are getting to me? Maybe I know deep down that he's right. 

Niall walked into the room awhile later with a wash cloth and a bowl of water, I smiled as he slowly made his way over to me, I sat up slowly. Niall smiled warmly at me as he placed the bowl on the side table, He then gently dropped the cloth into the water, I watched as the cloth sank in the water, I then watched as Niall rinsed it out.

"This might sting a little" Niall whispered as he began to clean the fresh cut on my lip, I didn't wince I only sat there and took it, I was used to the pain by now.

"It's fine" I mumbled, Niall sighed.

"You shouldn't have done it you know, You shouldn't have took on Andy not for my sake anyway" Niall stated.

"I had to, Your my boyfriend Niall, I'm supposed to protect you" I exclaimed.

"That's why I love you" Niall replied, I smiled before Sean's words filled my head once again. "What's wrong?" Niall asked.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Yeah there is, Now tell me" Niall stated, I sighed before lowering my head.

"Why do you love me Niall? I mean why me?" I asked knowing I completely fucked up that sentence.

"It wasn't a choice Zayn, I followed my heart, It told me you were worth the risk and that you would look after me, It was right" Niall exclaimed.

"You could do so much better Niall you really could" I replied, Niall rolled his eyes.

"I don't want better Zayn, I want somebody who tells me the truth no matter how much it hurts, I want somebody who will protect me with everything they have, Somebody who will tell me to close my eyes when everything gets to much, But understand when I tell them I can handle it, Somebody who see's the strength in me, Somebody who loves me because I'm me, Somebody who's willing to give up the world just to have me by there side, All I want is for somebody to love me in away I never knew love could exist, That person is you Zayn" Niall exclaimed. 

"I do love you Niall so much, But what if I'm not enough for you, What if I can't make you happy?" I said.

"You do make me happy, Zi, Sean's trying to twist everything, Don't let him, Please" Niall pleaded. 

"Did you mean what you said? About us leaving?" I asked.

"Of course I did, If that's what you want, I'll go, I'd go anywhere with you Zayn" Niall exclaimed, I smiled at him before stroking his cheek.

"I love you, You know that?" I whispered, Niall smiled before closing his eyes.

"You better" He whispered, I smiled before leaning in, I kissed him gently before pulling back.

"Were not going anywhere, If Sean doesn't like it he can move on because were not" I stated, Niall smiled before jumping ontop of me, I laughed happily as I pulled him against me.

"God I love you Niall Horan" I stated.

"You better Malik" Niall replied as he leaned down and placed a passionate kiss to my lips. 

"Thank you Niall" I whispered.

"What for?" Niall asked as he sat on my stomach.

"Everything, Sticking with me, Loving me, Just everything" I stated, Niall smiled before shaking his head.

"Don't get soppy with me Malik" Niall teased, I smiled as I leaned up and kissed him gently, Niall smiled as he gently pushed me down our lips were still connected together, I sighed happily as Niall linked our fingers together, He then pulled away from the kiss. 

"You know you said you wouldn't pressure me to do anything until I was ready?" Niall exclaimed, I nodded my head.

"Yeah? I meant every word Nialler" I stated, Niall smiled.

"I know, And I am, I'm ready Zayn" Niall replied, My eyes widened.

"A-Are you sure? Niall don't think you have to do this for me, If your not ready don't force yourself, I don't want you to regret this" I rambled on.

"I am ready, I've never been more ready before, Zayn I love you, And I want everything with you, I really do. Before you I never knew what love was, Not real love anyway, Zayn your my everything, Your the one I wan't to lose my virginity to, Besides it's not just sex Zi, It's love making, That's what I want to do with you right here right now" Niall exclaimed, I smiled before gently stroking Niall's hand.

"I love you Niall, You really are the one for me" I stated, Niall smiled before leaning down and kissing me.

"Your the one for me Zayn" He whispered before connecting our lips together once again.

Everything was becoming one. Niall and I were becoming one. We were expressing our love for eachother in ways only true lovers can do. For once sex with someone actually meant something to me, It wasn't cheap, Fast or even rough, It was soft, gentle, the kind of love making you see in films that you think doesn't exist. Our lips were moving together in a rhythm that only we knew, Our bodies were becoming one and making a special connection that nobody could break, The room was filled with passionate moans. 

"I love you" Niall whispered as our bodies collapsed together, I smiled as I pulled Niall's body closer to mine.

"Enough to spend the rest of your life with me?" I asked.

"And much longer after that" Niall whispered, I smiled before kissing his lips, Niall really was the only one for me.

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