Ch 1: Auction.

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        I stared down at myself before looking around at the other girls.

        You have got to be flipping kidding me.

        We were all in various states of undress. It was disgusting really, but what i couldn't figure out was why everyone who worked here was smirking at me, even the owner seemed happy today.

        He picked out my 'outfit' himself It was black and white and made me wonder WHY THE HELL I WAS THE ONLY ONE WEARING TWO PIECES. Everyone else at least got to wear insanely short lingerie dresses but I was stuck in some creepy ass black and white lace bra and some pretty much sheer mini skirt. I almost punched the owner in the face when he had the balls to debate to himself about giving me underwear.

        He even picked out the kind of bellybutton ring I would wear, some ridiculous diamond thing that dangled coldly from my navel.

        If I ever got the change to kill everyone here he was so going down first.        

        He made me sit in a chair for four hours until I was 'perfect.' none of the other girls had to do that.

        When I asked him what was going on with his face he ignored me an continued to smile, muttering to himself.

        And when it was time to line up and shackle us 'pets' to one another he made sure I was in line to go last and he personally put my shackle on.

        As we were told to start walking out I debated if yanking on my end of the chain and causing all the other girls to fall would be worth the punishment.

        I think the owner sensed my thoughts or something because he glared at me and made sure to stay close as we walked out.

        The stage light was blinding and it took me a few moments to adjust before I could stare out at all the immaculately dressed vampires before me. Each and every one of them was looking at us, some whispering and pointing to girls they may or may not have liked.

        I distantly wondered if the male auctions were like this.

        Whenever I managed to catch a vampires gaze I made a point to stare at them for as long as I could before they got either bored or annoyed and broke their gaze. As the auction started I made it into a game. At one point my eyes locked on a man who somehow managed to look bored and amused all at once, his dark hair was gelled back but I still caught a flash of red in it. It annoyed me that he was half in shadow because I wasn't sure if my gaze was still locked firmly on his but I liked to think so. He looked cocky and annoying, it would make me happy for him to turn away even it was only out of boredom.

        I could always pretend it was fear.

        Fear me.

        I had been staring at him so long I didn't even notice the other girls had already either been sold or sent back to their cages until the owner grabbed me by my arm and pulled me with him to the very front of the stage, beginning his introduction, "this next beauty here is Calla. We found her roaming around the streets one day after dark. no registration on her-"

        Maybe I didn't have a registration because I refused to live by leach law.

        "-As you can see she is a beautiful girl, her hair color is natural so no extra care will be needed for you to keep this pets hair light and beautiful."

        I resisted the urge to sneer at him.

        "Calla here is 18 years of age, O negative blood"

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