Ch 28: Not a Word

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A/N: yo so the last time the photo didn't load right (i fixed it) So I'm putting up a pic of her outfit again.


Calla POV:

I stared at the three humans in front of me and they stared back. The girl looked at me oddly scanning her eyes over my clothes, "...he really does give you the most beautiful things..."

My lips parted in surprise as I looked down at myself, "ah..uhm yeah he does."

She looked at me dreamily, "I was fortunate enough to go to the ball, you looked beautiful then too..."

I cleared my throat awkwardly at her tone as she tugged on her short skirt. "So uh what do you guys do for fun around here?"

She and her brothers shrugged, it was odd how similar the motions was between the thing.

A sibling thing perhaps.

I wouldn't know.

" guys don't do anything for fun?"

One of the brothers offered a sheepish grin, I think he was Jack, "Well we usually do whatever our masters do...what do you do for fun?"

I blinked before counting off things on my fingers, "I read, I play with cards, I eat, I dance, I watch tv, I eat, I'm allowed to cook from time to time, I run around, I swim, I eat, I play board games with Gwen when she's around, oh and I eat."

The other boy laughed, "you like to eat don't you?"

I nodded a cheeky grin on my face.

The girl, Sasha stared at my stomach, "Your master let you get a piercing?"

I looked down at my bellybutton, "oh no, I had that before I was caught by trappers and sold off."

They all nodded staring at my stomach.

Well this wasn't weird at all..."So how long have you guys lived here?"

Lewis shrugged, "A few years, the masters had us bred from their previous pets and sent us away for training when we were little."



"Thats um do you like it here?"

Sasha smiled, "it must not be nearly as exciting as living with a lord but it is a pleasant life."

"living with Ka- uh Lord Dawson is certainly, stimulating at times."

She gave me another sweet smile, "I know I shouldn't be asking this but do you mind telling me what he is like? Everyone was so frantic trying to make the home perfect, even we were rushing about to make ourselves as appealing as possible."

I hesitated a moment before nodding, "Lord Dawson can be a very cold man but he is more gentile than anyone I have ever known when kindness is due. He makes sure I am treated well, spoils me really..He is also good humored when he wants to be, tough but good humored."

"Mistress says he's a very charming man, handsome and charming, when he's not busy working."

"He is."

It went quiet for a long moment.

Lewis cleared his throat, "I think I know where we could get some card to play something if you would like?"

I nodded, instantly relived from the awkward tension. These people were strange and distant.


I could feel them all staring at me again, this was getting old fast. "Is there something on my face?"

The two boys looked away blushing while Sasha frowned, "Sorry were just curious."

Havent I already told them about my pet life? "About what?"

"Rumor has it Lord Dawson is refusing to breed you. He got many offers at the ball...and everyone breeds their most beautiful pet. Many would have bought you just for that purpose."

Okay thats disgusting. "Well Lord Dawson purchased me for a companion and something to pretty up his life. Not as breeding livestock."

Jack's brows furrowed as he drew his next hand, "why do you talk like that?"

"Like what?"

"like your a person, not a pet."

 Maybe because I am. "old habits die hard I suppose."

He nodded, "I guess that makes sense...What kind of things does Lord Dawson ask of you?"

"Depends on his mood, mostly just company."

The looked at me, expecting me to continue.

What was I supposed to tell them? That when he gets drunk he gets Calla hungry and wants to lick my candy flower like a lollipop? "uh just some blood giving sometimes."

That wasn't a lie, that did happen...once.

Sasha looked at me as if she didn't believe me, "thats all?"

I nodded slowly.

I could tell none of them believed me.

Lewis was about to say something when the door slammed in the distance, "CALLA!"

The four of us jumped a bit at the harsh sound of Kadens voice, Sasha looked terrified. Sending her a sympathetic look I responded, "In here Lord Dawson!"

The rooms door few open and a raging Kaden stormed in, eyes landing on our game of go fish, "were leaving."

I frowned, everything about him from his tone of voice to the way he was standing screamed furious. "is everything alright?"

He paced back and forth, "no it is not alright! The god damned liars!"

I hastily scrambled up in my heels, going his long strides pacing with an odd little jog. "Lie? about what?"

I nearly tripped turning along with him one time, he swiftly caught me and steadied me with one arm, "The won't tell me where he is or who the hell put him up to it!"

I spared a glance at the other pets, clutching Kadens arm and whispering harshly so they couldn't hear, "Kaden you need to calm down."

He glared at me but too my lead on the whisper raging, "calm down! Their pet is the bastard to drugged you and you want me to calm down?"

I nodded, "yes...We can figure this out when we get home, please Kaden I want to go home."

He looked at me for a moment, running a hand through his hair before nodding. We were about to leave when he looked over the siblings, "do any of you know where your brother is?"

They shook their heads.

I scurried out after Kaden with a wave in their direction, "nice meeting you guys."

I glanced at them over my shoulder as I rushed down the hall only to see them gaping at me in shock.

Ha and they totally thought my life was easy.

Yeah I would like to see them try to calm down an approximately 200lb Kaden bomb.

Dashing from the huge house I followed him down the steps and to the Car.

Everything Was quiet as the driver slowly pulled away and the pitch black divider went up between the seats.

I turned to Kaden, "What the hel-"

His lips slammed over my own before I could even finish my sentence, gripping the back of my neck harshly as his lips feverishly took mine. He practically growled against me, "Not a fucking word right now pet."

I nodded and cupped his face in my hands, kissing him softly, letting him take it up notch after notch and dominate my mouth with his own.

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