Ch 76: I'm Going to Make This Last Forever.

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A/N: next chapter! yaaay!!! its shorter than the last but who cares its cute.


Kaden POV:

I didn't know what else to do. Calla had just told me about her past and what was haunting here and I didn't know what to say. I wanted so badly to tell her everything was okay and that none of it was her fault.

And it wasn't...up until she started killing people by choice. God I love this woman which is why she's currently curled against me right now.

..Maybe she didn't feel like she had a choice, its not like she wanted to. "Calla are you awake?"

He small body went rigid but she didn't respond.

She was scared. A thousand thoughts of how I must hate her flooded her mind. I intertwined her fingers with my own. "I love you Calla."

She let out a tiny cry, "Why?"

"because your strong, smart, beautiful, sweet, caring, and for fucks sake baby your crazy in all the best ways."

"And I'm a murderer."

"you were alone in the world, set up without a chance from the beginning. You did what you needed to. Its not like I haven't killed people before baby."

"Oh were alive when people killed people for making a snide remark huh?"


She turned over to face me, "but you have always seen me as this sweet angel...not what I am."

"You still are an angel to me, let me let you in on a secret; each of those men wanted to have sex with you and a lot of them probably would have with or without your consent. I really don't care that they died."


"Yes. You were patient after learning about my past, my long string of lovers, my age, and your sitting here in my fathers palace because you support and love me. So you killed one or two people-"



"I killed forty-one people in two years."

"So you killed forty-one people, that was then this is now."

She shook her head at me, "you're crazy Kaden."

"And? if were counting I have killed easily over 700 people in my life, let it be war, dueling, hunting accidents, other reasons. death is part of life and to be frank I'm a bit selfishly relived you killed them."

She gaped at me, "Why?!"

"Well when you really think about it, what was your other options?"

"Well...if I didn't kill the first man he probably would have raped me..."


"And eventually I probably would have had to resort to prostitution...."

The thought of my beautiful Calla out in the cold having to sell her body just to survive made me sick, "yes, So to be frank i'm glad you killed them."

"that is so wrong Kaden."

"The fact you realize how wrong I am to think that shows what a wonderful woman you are Calla."

A vivid blush crossed her cheeks, "I don't deserve you Kaden."

"of course you do, you just don't know it."

And then she was kissing me, soft lips pressed against mine and small hands in my hair. How could I ever think the girl kissing me with hesitate need could be anything but perfect?

She's Calla my perfect flower, hurt as she may be.

She pulled away and snuggled into me, "oh I love you so much Kaden, I wish we could stay like this forever."

I told her I loved her too and ran my fingers through her hair until she drifted of to sleep.

Great. Id fallen for her even more than I had thought.

If any other woman had confessed to killing forty-one people I would send her off to trial and punishment, but I just cuddle with this one.

I am so bloody fucked.

I couldn't let her go, not after she's opened up to me like this not after she's given me some of the best memories of my life.

Calla wants this to last forever.

And I want nothing more than to give her everything she desires.

So its settled.

I'm going to make this last forever.

Make us last forever.  

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