Ch 10: Drink Me.

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Kaden POV:

        I watched Calla dance around the room, humming lightly to the tune, her hair brushing over the pale column of her neck.

        My fangs itched for release, to sink into her thin little neck and drink her warm, rare, blood.

        Wide ice blue eyes met my own, "Kaden...are you okay? you look a little pale...well paler."

        I looked away from her. Not yet, I couldn't give into my urges yet. Shes not ready for it, she doesn't understand enough yet. No matter how good I made it for her she would loathe me for it afterwards.

        She was a strong girl.

        "nothing is wrong little flower."

        She hummed at me, "Maybe they accidentally fed you diseased blood."

        She sounded delighted by the prospect.

        I frowned, "I can assure you that is impossible."


        "You sound disappointed."

        Her eyes twinkled with mischief, "do I?"

        I nodded slowly, "very."

        She giggled lightly and danced her way over to me, her slim human body seemed to float across the floor. She stopped directly in front of me, "well...I cant say the thought didn't make me smile."

        She flashed a grin as if to prove a point.

        I found myself staring at her neck again as she laughed, it would be a shame if I lost control and she got a scar or I damaged her frail little body.

        And biting her neck....was intimate. Just as two vampires drinking from one another is a symbol of deep unity and attachment taking from the neck is a symbol of possession and care, usually love as well.

        Needless to say taking blood directly from your pets neck was a big taboo in the vampire community.         

        But as every vampire is, I was highly attracted to the idea, wondering how it would be to feel her soft gasp as I sank my fangs into her smooth neck. I wondered if she would struggle as first before my influence took over and she began to feel pleasure from it. I wondered if she would even need my influence at all.

        She was a strange girl, perhaps if she didn't hate vampires so much she would enjoy it, even seek it.

        I nearly laughed at myself, the only reason any woman even started seeking a vampire to bite her was because another vampire fucked up her head so bad she became less than mindless.

        Vampires hate when their pets and toys stopped taking care of themselves, they needed perfect looks and such.

        And personally I preferred my toys unused and unbroken.

        Not that Calla was my toy. Although it was entertaining to toy with her.

        "Pet, how do you feel about donating your blood instead, seeing as someone might be poisoning me as we speak."

        She froze before letting out loud, high pitched, battle cry and making some strange pose on one leg with her other tucked close to her chest, and arms poised to attack, she curled to fingers toward me, "COME AT ME LEACH BOY I DARE YOU!"

        I rose a brow at her, the insult not even phasing me, "really permission that fast little flower? Its nice to see your willing."

        She glared at me still in her one footed pose -which was remarkable considering she was in six inch heels- "DO I LOOK LIKE I'M HOLDING UP A GIANT NEON SIGN THAT SAYS 'DRINK ME'?!"

        Why neon? "Perhaps."

        She swung her arms around at me, "COME AT ME BRO!"

       ...What the hell had they given her for breakfast? "Did someone drug your coffee pet?"

        She bared her imaginary fangs, "NO ONE DRUGS THIS! I DRUG MY OWN COFFEE!"


        I fought back a smile as she stood there her fingers curling every few second muttering various repetitions akin to 'come at me bro' over and over.

        Deciding to test something I stepped closer to her, having to try my hardest to hold back at grin as she let out her odd battle cry again.

        I shook my head at her, "Calla..."


        Seriously? what the hell was she on?

        I was actually starting to become concerned, sure she was a bit crazy but this is weird even for her. I took a step forward and she hopped back.

       The girl had some serious balance especially for a human.

        She hopped again, but this time her heel got caught on an indent in one of the tiles and she teetered before beginning to topple to the floor with a loud screech.

        I was by her side, embracing her in seconds. Preventing her from hitting the hard floor, "Okay little warrior that's enough for one day."

        She glared at me and wiggled in my arms, "NO! YOUR GOING TO DRINK ME AND THEN EAT ME AND AND I'M GOING TO DIE!"

        I frowned, growing more concerned, trying to get her to hold still so I could get ahold of her and take a closer look. Her skin was clammy when it shouldn't be and she was being irrational. I was kidding when I had asked if someone drugged her but now I was becoming seriously worried, "I'm not going to kill you, you know that pet."

        Still she struggled, "NO! NO! NO!"

        It took a moment for me to make sure I wouldn't hurt her before I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me, Her pupils were so large that they nearly took up all the blue in her eye and they seemed to be dilating rather quickly.        

        I scooped her into my arms and let out a feral snarl as I left the room, "WHO THE FUCK DRUGGED MY PET?!"

        Everything in the mansion went still, I could feel it. They were frightened, ever last person here.

        As they should be. I rarely lost my temper and when I did it meant heads were going to roll.



A/N: Short I know but it felt right to stop there.

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