Ch 69: You Hungry?

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A/N: Everyone, say hello to Waffles!!!! Adorable isn't he? I want one ><

are you guys excited for the end of this book? I feel like I should make you all wait a while before I start the second one....but I really really do enjoy this story and these characters.

THIS IS FOR EVERYONE WHO READS MY BOOK SOUL: hi! well as you probably would have guessed things will get sexual in that book...I just haven't decided who's getting it on with who and when or how many times or if only one person gets it on with another person or whatever. BUUUUT either way I need a sexual personality for Thanatos. Yeah. not easy to figure out how an indifferent bastard would get his freak on. We have seen a few glimpses at a more mischievous Thanatos but would that really play into his sex life? I mean would he be blunt about it? would he just take what he wanted? Would he be indifferent to what she wanted? Would desire unleash the beast (whatever the fuck that means.) Would he wait for the girl to come to him? Would he (dare I say it?) be sweet and gentle about it? Ew okay I think we all agree sweet and gentle bed partners would be boring in one of my books...and in general probably I wouldn't really know..I need to talk to a non-virgin about this >< ANYWAYS! those of you who read Soul what type of Thanatos would YOU like to see?

That doesn't mean I'll do as you ask btw I just need some other opinions.

P.S. I feel kinda strange that I'm sitting here in my hello kitty pajamas drinking strawberry nesquik, like a seven year old, asking your guys' opinion on my books sex life...

P.P.S. I hate it when I talk about one of my books in an A/N and then people are all like "OH MY GOD YOU HAVE OTHER BOOKS?! O.O" and then in my head I'm all like.... "why they no look at my profile? ^.^' ...."

p.p.p.s. My laptop broke!!! Updates may slow down a bit.


Calla POV:

"Waffles ate my bra."

Kaden looked up at me, down to my very very sheer ensemble zoned in on my chest for a few moments longer than needed before meeting my gaze again, "and so you just chose to wear that without it? Don't get me wrong love you have beautiful breasts but I enjoy being the only one to see them."

I blinked at him, "why. they are just boobs."

He rose a brow, "your boobs and you're mine therefor-"

"Therefore you have boobs?

He shot me a humors look, "Calla. Put on some clothes."

"Kaden. Take off your clothes."

Kaden laughed a bit flashing me a fang filled grin, "pet, go change."

I saluted him, not willing to argue over it. If he wanted to be the only one who saw my nipples and my milk producing flesh in the bare so be it.

Grasping the door handle I peered at him over my shoulder. He was standing there looking over some papers, back perfectly straight and face serious.

He was handsome, my lover. You could tell he was well built even under the stiff monkey suits, his skin while pale held an oddly healthy tint. I couldn't believe how lucky I am to be able to even touch a man like him, to be so close to him I could count his ridiculously long lashes and kiss his perfect skin.

Kaden doesn't know it but I worship him. I would follow him to the ends of the earth, hell I would follow him off the edge of a cliff. I am unbelievably grateful for his presence in my life.

He doesn't know it but he saved me, not from being a true pet and a slave, not from giving blood, not from cruel laughter and cold fangs. Kaden saved me from myself, from who I was becoming, from the woman I would have been ashamed to be but still would have become.

I took a deep breath and unbuttoned my top before loosing the ties of my sheer skirt.

Standing there in nothing but a pair of tiny black panties I felt more sure of myself than I ever have before.

Kaden saved me. And I will forever be grateful to him, I could never put it into words how happy I am that he chose to love me a woman..a girl he knows but he doesn't really know.

Taking a deep breath a peered at the dark haired man through thick lashes, "Kaden..." His dual shaded gaze turned on me, eyes widening. I smiled valiantly, "you hungry?"

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