Ch 62: Strawberries and Champagne

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A/N: did you know telling people that a pickle is a fruit can start a serious debate in a large group of people? I cannot believe some people don't realize a pickle is a fruit...cuz you know they are cucumbers but pickled. cucumbers are a fruit...


hello to my 5.39% of readers in Australia~

HIIII to my 4.87% of reader in Canada!

Hey hey to the 1.16% of you in south africa!!

YO SUP BRO! to all 58.65% of you in my obnoxious home country, America. ('MERICA!)


Kaden POV

God she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Even trying her best to stay serious and angry her eyes glowed with something beautiful. I stroked Callas thigh gently as she quietly ate her lobster.

She seemed happy to listen to the tables chatter putting in her two cents every now and again.

I feel bad sometimes when I realized she often becomes quiet at dinners like this because the topic often steered toward politics. While some humans know some vampire politics Calla...Calla was raised on the streets. I wasn't even sure if ever had an actual home.

An actual roof over her head.

An image of a small blonde girl with wide blue eyes sitting alone in the cold streaked across my mind. I gave Callas leg a quick squeeze.

It pained me to think of her having to live like that, like some stray animal.

It disturbed me that thinking the first actual roof she had, the first bed she could call her own was in a pet shop.

Her small hand set over mine on her leg.

I glanced at her only to find curious eyes staring back at me.

I kept telling myself I would ask about her past about the way she grew up, but I wanted her to want to tell me. And part of me thought she would lie to me again.

I promised myself that is she didn't tell me, her love would be enough...but I want to know where she came from, what made her so spectacularly and perfectly her. I wanted to know where she leared to make flower crowns and why she has a tendency to wiggle her toes when she's nervous.

I offered her a small smile.

She stared for a moment longer before going back to her food, her eyes skipping around the sleek restaurant with curious delight.

I knew she would like it here.

I wondered if she had ever eaten out before any of this but doubted it severely.

I let her thoughts drift through my head, she was happy. Nervous about the king but happy she was here.

She thought me nice to bring her along.

Nice. Such a simple word but I could always tell to Calla it was heavy, a sacred word saved for few. You could be sweet, interesting, fun, charming, sly...but nice? Nice was not a word she often used to describe people and when she did you knew it came with a million unspoken words and one weighted sentence that only I have ever had the privilege of hearing from her; 'I love you.'

Calla for all of her free spirit was a very distant girl, like a fragile little piece of colored glass beautiful from afar and even up close but remove a small piece of the structure or touch it the wrong way and the whole thing can shatter.

I didn't want to break her, so I didn't question her. I didn't prod at the structure that kept her together.

Our hands entertained under the table. Get rid of my prat brother and Gwen I could a lost make this romantic. But no.

...I should do something nice for her, she's going through a lot. Something to get rid of her stress. something to take her mind of my father who ironically considering my situation in life, is a total bastard.

I tried to think of everything I could that makes Calla happy and unsurprisingly came up with the names of a lot of different foods.

strawberries and champagne maybe?

They would need to be chocolate covered..Belgium chocolate is her favorite it would need to be belgium chocolate.

And lavender candles, I hated those things but god she loves them I would need a ton of lavender candles, some in the shape of roses just so she would give me that adorably confused look of hers and ask my why they are shaped like roses when the are lavender, lavender. she would say it twice just to make sure she got that point across but would love them none the less.

Strawberries, champagne, candles....And maybe a back rub, she loves a good massage. I wondered for a moment as to how she would like the feeling of warm oil rubbed into her back and instantly decide n doing such.

A plan started to form in my head, our bedroom would be lit by nothing but the soft glow of candles, the sent of lavender whispering through the air. I would cover everything in her favorite flowers and rose petals. She would be happy with that, she would love the strawberries and sweet champagne, I would make her melt by the end of the night so she won't even remember way the word worry means.

I would just need to remember not to toss that whole plan out the window and fuck her when she gets happy.

She gets cuddly and touchy when she's happy. Woman turns into a minx.

And I love her for it.

Looking her over I leaned down and whispered softly in her ear, "tomorrow, we'll have a date just you and I no interruptions I promise."

Her full lips parted and her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink before a small almost shy smile appeared on her face growing wider as she gave a tiny nod.

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