Ch 72: High Treason!

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A/N: helloooo! Callas swimsuit above! Isn't it sexy?~

Calla POV:

I sighed as the cool water ran through my hair and down my back as Kadens fingers soothingly trailed over my skin, "tell me again why you insisted on helping me bathe?"

His lips brushed over the back of my neck, "you're the one who could barely even walk to the shower. You expected me to leave you on your own?"

I huffed, a blush making its way onto my face, "well the only reason I can barely walk is because someone put a hole on the wall with the bed using my friggin vagina."

His laughter echoed through the bathroom, "must you put it that way love?"

I made a poor mockery of his accent, "yes my dear I think I must in order to save any bit of honor I have left to my name."

" lost that the moment you got into a pool with me naked."

It was my turn to laugh, "and what does that say about you?"

"I am one lucky bastard."

"Damn straight. Remember that."

His promise that he would came in the form of a kiss.


Garbed in a new swimsuit I trotted down the hallway, Kaden and Aldric had went off on some sort of brother business and I was told to sit my pretty butt at the pool in the west wing.

Apparently there are several pools in that palace.

Pools the king never uses.

But his pets do.

So when I walked into a room full of women, some wearing the worlds tiniest bikinis and some wearing nothing at all, I didn't even blink.

They on the other hand openly stared as I tossed my towel onto the first chair I found and strolled into the water. The whole place was rigged to look like a beach of some sort and I had to admit, it was pretty freaking cool.

Diving under the surface for a moment I braced myself for a day here, a day full of stares and probable whispers.

They had all gathered around the pool when I reemerged.

I noted that then Kings pets were all stunning and all wore matching collars. But every single one of the girls themselves were different. Swiping my blonde hair from my face I tried for a friendly smile, "hello?"

A few of them smiled offering a wave or a greeting of their own, others settled for just a smile. And not so surprisingly some just stared.

A short girl with small breasts and an easy smile waved at me, "are you the Lords pet?"

I nodded, slipping into my part as pet, "yes. I was told to spend the day here while Lord Dawson attended to some business." Slowly I stood and walked from the pool to greet the girl, I didn't like all of them looking down on me as we spoke. "My name is Calla."

She gave a little, happy, gasp and clasped her hands "wow! I've never met another pet that didnt belong to his are not what I expected."

I blinked, "did I disappoint?"

She shook her head, "no! You are just elegant and pretty..."

I smiled again, "thank you. Thats very sweet of you to say..?"

She grinned, "Nina."

I nodded, "that is very sweet of you Nina."

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