Ch 43: Teach me What I Need to Know

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A/N: IM GETTING REALLY ANNOYED. None of my wattpad ranks are showing up and i like them cuz it shows me my progress as an author BUT FUCKIN WATTPAD SUPPORT WASNT WORKIN EITHER SO IM ALL LIKE F U LIFE. I have been trying to figure this out for like a month. Bitch I don't even feeling like writing right now I'm so pissed at this stupid site. (and I have had an awful day)

but I will cuz you know you guys read this junk and I'm like dedicated to y'all because...uh your cool? any of you know why my ranks are a no friggin show?


Calla POV

Stupid Kaden.

Rejecting my offer to do the friggin mattress mambo.

Stupid Kaden for want to look at papers rather than me. Can he screw those papers? I don't think so.

But if he tries I'm cutting off his díck for cheating on me with paper.

I huffed, resting against the headboard, stupid Kaden for not coming after me.

Does he even realize how much it hurts to be pushed aside because of some paper? especially on our last night of guaranteed peace. I mean all I wanted was to have some really great sex, maybe try a few of those things Kaden wants to try, and then fall asleep curled into him and arms around him like a friggin octopus.

Hes mine, I can bear hug him in my sleep if I want and its annoying he's not...attracted enough to even ignore a tinsey bit of paper for one night.

I stared down at myself...maybe I didn't look sexy enough? he is used to me walking around in sexy things...maybe it doesn't effect him anymore.

I poked my flat stomach...I haven't gained any weight. Maybe he just finds my sweet tooth unattractive.

Maybe my seduction face looks like I'm going to be sick

maybe my bedroom eyes are gross like I'm glaring at him.

...Maybe he just isn't attracted anymore. He has me he's had me...a lot. Maybe he's done and through.

My heart sank at the thought..did I give it up to him too early and he sees me as some easy lay?

Rolling over I groaned into my pillow, frustrated.

My head shot up as their was a knock at the door, "What?"

Kaden slid into the room tousled black hair prominently displaying ts red stripe even as he ran his hand through it. "Calla we need to talk."

My eyes widened, "You think I'm ugly don't you? oh my god I'm ugly..."

His eyes were even wider than mine, "what? no. your not ugly love, far from it. why did you-"

"If i'm not ugly then why didn't you wanna feed the kitty?!"

He stared at blankly, "Its not that I didn't want to...have intercourse with you. I just have a lot on my mind."

I shot him an 'are you fücking kidding me?' look, "so did I! your díck was seriously on my mind!"

He looked at me exasperated, "must you always be so vulgar?"

I rose a brow at him, "lets get you drunk see who's the vulgar one then."

A ghost of a smile passed over his face and he gave a light chuckle, "touché."

I sat up fully in my bed, squirming a bit as a blush crossed the bridge of my nose, "so you still think I'm pretty?"

He walked over and sat next to me on the bed, "not pretty Calla gorgeous, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

I smiled, biting my lip, "still think I'm sexy?"

He nuzzled my neck, kissing my pulse point softly, "mmmhhmm, the sexiest."

" the sex uh..bad?"

He laughed a bit, grabbing one of my hands and moving it to his groin. Mumbling against my neck, "if it was bad the mere thought wouldn't do this to me baby."

I gave out a small gasp but was ultimately satisfied that my ass is fantastic and I would not have to turn his into grass. not moving my hand I squeezed him slightly causing him to groan, " that case how about we.."

"I can't baby, we can't."

You have got to be shitting me. I pulled away from him and glared, "What?"

"you need to pack your stuff and go."

My jaw dropped, "your kicking me out?!"

a shocked expression painted over his face, "no no love I just need you to be out of the house for a few days."

"...are you going to get freaky with someone else? because if you are I'm chopping off your hard on. I made it some other bitch can't have it."

He erupted into laughter.

and he pretends to dislike my vulgarity.

"No baby, its nothing like that, its to keep you safe."

I nodded, "from?"

He looked a bit nervous, "My brother is coming for a visit and has taken an interest in meeting perfect meek pet."

"...your brother? as in prince asswipe of the assey ass empire? where the fück did he get perfect and meek from?"

"Yes as in the prince and he got that idiotic idea from rumors about the ball."

"...dude halfway through the ball we were getting kinky in the pool."

"I am aware."

I pursed my lips, "Prince asswipe is an idiot."

"not and idiot, he notices more than I would like."

"...and you think he may become suspicious?"

He nodded.

"And he won't if I'm magically at the human kennel or whatever?"

Kaden stayed silent.

"I want to stay here."

He shook his head, "No Calla if he notices-"

"But you guys don't get along right? I want to be there for you because I'm your...uh girlfriend lover thing?"

He chuckled, "Calla you are my everything."

I melted into a tiny puddle on the sheets, "Are you sure you don't want to have sex? right about now I will do anything."

Another chuckled as he kissed my forehead, "It is not that I don't want to I just know that we either need to get you out of here or ready to meet my brother."

I nodded, "Kay. Teach me what I need to know."

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