Ch 40: It's Kind of a Big Topic.

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A/N: OKAY HI IM ABOUT TO GET SERIOUS HERE! Those of you who hate Kaden calling Calla pet (and I know your out there because I hear something about it at least once a week) you need to realize things:

1: The book is called 'The Vampires PET' what the frig did you think he was going to call her?

2: if you had actually been paying attention you would know that the nickname become less of an actual title and shifted to a pet name, the way Kaden has been saying it is more like a secret I love you and as calla has noted he says it with more adoration than she ever thought possible and she herself has grown to like it because of that.

3: its my book I can do what I want. don't like it don't read it.

4: the book is called the 'The Vampires PET' let me repeat that, PET! P.E.T. (seriously I can't get over the fact people have read a book with the word pet in the tittle and then get upset when the character is called pet.)

p.s. its shark week for me and I'm feeling spiteful so i'm so going to throw the word pet in this chapter as often as I can and ima friggin bold it so its staring all of you it the face. and if not this one I'll do it in the next chapter, I'ma bitch like that.


Calla POV:

I stared at Gwen, sitting next to Kaden. Both of us now fully dressed.

She sipped lightly at her tea a maid had brought she looked between the vampire next to me and myself, "sooo Kaden my long time friend when were you going to tell me you have been getting it on with your pet?"

I choked on my own floral tea, setting the cup down for fear of dropping it, "Gwen! you can't just ask that."

She rolled her eyes, "and technically he can't be playing house with you but clearly this room is rule free, later I'm going to get drunk and run around in circles streaking while singing bad pop songs. The public won't let me do that so I'm going to the ruleless box to do it."

I blinked at her, "...that sounds like fun. Can I join you?"

"of course you can! you live here due to 'night terrors' anyways. I can't believe people bought that. If anyone even bothered looking at the two of you together they would know theres more than just master and pet going on here." She gestured between Kaden and I.

I frowned, "...Is it really that obvious."

Gwen nodded smiling widely, "oh yeah. I have known Kaden for years and not once has he ever looked at someone like he does you Calla. Not to mention all the things he gives you and the way he treats you, your more of a princess than a pet."

I blushed a bit glancing at Kaden as he glared holes into Gwens smiling head. "Gwendolyn."

She looked at me wide eyes, "crap Calla he's using full names. I'm in trouble."

I giggled, how could I ever have thought this woman would tell anyone about me and Kaden?

The vampiric lord next to me rubbed at his temples in annoyance, "Gwen you cannot tell anyone about this not even your brother."

She frowned, "Gabriel wouldn't tell on you guys."

He shook his head, "I know, it is just that the more people who know the more risk it is for Calla and I."

Gwen's eyes softened when she looked at the two of us, "oh..yeah I'm sorry guys. This must bite for pun intended."

I nodded, "It does. But we have our not so little, little rule free box and we have each other. so its okay."

Gwen looked at me sadly, "...But don't you want more?"

I offered a smile smile and held Kadens hand that was slowly becoming a fist on the table, "I already have so much besides I know Kaden and I are in a good place and I know he care about me. Thats all that really matters."

Kaden offered a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Gwen stared at him seriously, "And you Kaden?"

"I want more but am not stupid enough to endanger her for my selfish whims."

She nodded, "well if the two of you ever want to go out together and be all lovey I can be your 'chaperone' so it won't look suspicious and I'll even be on look out and warn the two of you to untangle your tongues and tonsils is someone might be in range."

Kaden and I laughed lightly. He shook his head at his long time friend, "Thank you Gwen and next time knock."

She rolled her eyes, "learn to use a lock Lord Dawson."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "I had promised my darling pet a day together, alone. so get out."

She rose a brow at him, "you still call her pet in private?"

He blinked at her, "its different."

She smirked, "I can tell. when you two were all close during our little meeting and dinner with the Vicrofts all that hair petting neck rubbing goodness and the whole 'pet, come' that came out of your mouth like a double meaning, at least to my mind. Oh and we had her favorite treat for dessert."

I blushed a bit and looked away.

Kaden crossed his arms, "It is not that obvious."

She shrugged, "not to someone who doesn't know you very well and doesn't know Calla. I know both. Most people would just see the odd lord paying attention to his odd pet and let it go thinking your a great man. Meanwhile I'm thinking 'those two are so going to make out in the hall. they should make out in the hall.' speaking of which did you?"

Neither of us answered.

"you guys so made out in the hall! oh my god Kaden you bad bad boy!"

He glared, "Shut up Gwen"

She glanced at me, "You haven't given him his daily dose of flower power today have you."

I erupted into laugher as Kaden glowered, "I do not need sex in order to be-"

I looked at him oddly, "do you not like my vagina?"

It was gwens turn to erupt into laughter. Kaden shot me a look, "we have been through this before pet."

"Great because personally I'm rather fond of it."

Gwen stared at us, "wait you two had a conversation on Kadens opinion about your V?"

I nodded, "yeah. it was interesting."

She grinned at us, "okay I'm going to leave you to go at it like rabbits...oh and fyi Kaden that ones a keeper. Any woman who is willing to talk about her Va jay jay at any random moment is awesome besides as I have told her before you need some flower power. I like her she's good for you."

With those last words Gwen left the room telling us she would be watching movies with her brother if she was needed.

I smiled at Kaden as she left, "Have I ever told you I like her?"

He gave me a blank look, "I never thought I would have to tell you that you shouldn't start talking about your genitalia in front of other people."

"...would you rather I talk about yours?"

His lip twitched a bit, "no."

" sure its kind of a big topic. Lot to talk about."

He couldn't help it, he laughed, "you did not just say that."

I made a small clicking noise looking away, actually a little embarrassed, "lot to talk about."

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