Ch 4: Why?

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Everything was crazy, the servants both vampire and human were running around like chickens with their heads cut off while I just...sat here.

When Kaden had said my job was to sit around and look pretty he wasn't kidding. When I woke up a few hours after dusk there was that quite, creepy, maid just sitting there waiting for me. I was then directed back to my own room where an 'ensemble selected directly by the master' was tossed at me as she dragged me to the bathroom and began fucking around with my hair and makeup.

And now I stood in sky high baby blue heels with this insanely complex up do fitting of a sex bomb, wearing nothing but a baby blue and white sheer one piece...I honestly don't even know what to call it. All i know is the only thing from keeping my tata's from view is an insanely complex arrangement of layer white lace and nothing but a blue strip of fabric other bits.

The worst part of it all is with a matching collar complete with a little blue bow and some seriously expensive jewels I looked stunning. My eyes like ice from the combo of light yet glittery makeup and the blue bits of the outfit. If you could even call it an outfit.

I shifted on my feet and played with my perfect french tip nails...would I have to get dolled up like this by that weirdo maid every day?

I hoped not. I wanted at least the Independence to chose what I wear.

Slolwy over god knows how long the house was quite again, minus the few clangs of pots in the kitchen. I frowned at the deathly quite, high tension in the house, What the hell is going on here?

A low appreciative rumble sounded behind me.

I turned expecting to see Kaden but instead my eyes met with ones such a dark red they were almost brown. He was accompanied by several other obviously vampiric beings.

I was instantly on edge as the mans smooth voice echoed through the room, "You must be the new pet."

I slowly slid from the counted I had been sitting on, everything about this man screamed preditor, my eyes flicked to the other man beside him he looked bored and amused at once if that was even possible. Then there were the two girls the first looked almost exactly like the second man while the other didn't resemble any of them.

She did reminded me of a Harpy with the way she stood perched in her heels though.

Slowly my eyes met the predator again, "unless I have a clone running around, yeah that's me."

The other mans boredom gave way to amusement and he laughed along with the woman I decided could easily be his twin sister, "spunky, no wonder Kaden wanted you."

The Harpy woman stiffened and the predator looked angry. But that wasn't that surprising they seemed pretentious enough to hate my voice. What was surprising was that humor boy referred to Kaden as something other than Lord Dawson.

Friends maybe? Were they the reason for the chaos in the house?

The sister of the amused one smiled at me and leaned forward a bit, "you're very pretty."

I was taken aback by he compliment, "uh, thanks?"

The other woman flipped her straight black hair, "Gwen thinks everything is pretty it's really not a compliment."

The twin, Gwen, frowned, "Okay fine she's extra pretty." She turned back to me, head cocked to the side, "Is your hair naturally that color? its so light."

I nodded and touched one of the curls in my up do, "yeah."

The other woman eyed me with ill disguised disgust while the men just seemed curious. With a haughty flip of her hair the other woman looked down at me over her nose, "Take us to Kaden, okay pet girl?"

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