Ch 35: ...I am Going to Punch You

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A/N: Today someone I know asked me about my writing process. I gave them a blank look and dimly stated, "I write what comes to mind while watching either white trash tv or one of those shows about true stories of murder. either way there is painful screaming involved. perhaps that is what helps." She started to laugh until she realized I was completely serious, she then gave me an equally blank look an said, "I knew you were crazy but what the hell, your a sadist too?" To then I which I got really very offend and insisted I was not crazy

It wasn't until later I realized I probably should have informed her I am not sadistic.


And that darlings is a blip of my life I thought you may have some thoughts on.

OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT! a few of you had asked for photos of my characters and i must inform you the answer is no. I would honestly prefer it if you all, like in a real book, imagined them on your own so everyone has their very own Calla and Kaden in their head (although the ones I whipped up in mine are too yummy to beat~) 


Calla POV:

I Sat on a huge amount of silk cushions on the living room floor blissfully ignoring the tense atmosphere and focusing on Gwens brushing my long blonde hair.

Angelica had apparently called all of Kadens friends over because she had gotten bored. So now i sat in the living room parlor thing surrounded by both Kadens friends, the Vicroft's and their three pets -who have been staring at me since they got there- Kadens rage seemed to simmer barely hidden below the surface, "Alexander, Bethany. I could have sworn you have four pets."

The couple looked utterly upset, Alexander speaking for them, "we do Lord Dawson but as we had explained previously he is very sick.."

Gwen stopped brushing my hair for a moment as all eyes turned to Kaden. I sighed to myself; here we go.

Kaden slammed his whisky glass onto the table, I quickly stanched to it wouldn't fall, that and I would probably need the damn drink after this. He glared at the man, "Do not lie to me Vicroft."

To his credit the man stood his ground, "I am not.."

"You are. you are lying to me because you know what will happen once I get my hands on the little bastard."

I felt my brows furrow i confusion...what would happen? what could Kaden possibly plan on doing? I looked around to see Gwen, Gabriel, and Jerric who all had very conveniently found something else to look at the moment we locked eyes. My gaze drifted over to the three pets; Jack, Lewis, and Sasha who has become what could only be described as grief.

turning slightly I looked over my shoulder at Kaden, taking in his tense body and locked jaw before very discreetly flicking his thigh.

He looked down at me.

I locked eyes with his, confusion surly splashed across my face.

He looked away almost instantly.

That was not okay. Damn vampire knows I can't do anything with all these people here. I leaned against his leg with a dramatic sigh under my breath. I hope he knows if he doesn't fix that attitude he is so not getting laid tonight.

I felt him tense against me.

Ah so the little fucker was probing around in my head. heh, you heard me baby boy. I looked up at him again, a smirk playing at the corner of my mouth.

Narrowing his eyes at me he slowly ran a hand through my hair, like that would make me feel better.

Okay so maybe it feels a little good but it wasn't enough.

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