Ch 82: Wide Eyed and Terrified.

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Im not releasing the last chapter until tomorrow at least. Whats the fun of just giving it to you now?


Kaden POV:

Four days. Four days of me avoiding my father and switching between Aldric and Donavan to watch over Calla. 

Donavan is there the most naturally because he is the least watched out of the three of us, he attracts the least amount of attention. 

People tend to pay attention when a Prince or the Illegitimate child of the king walks by. A butler on the other hand, not so much.

Callas heart hasn't stopped yet, which is worrying. I keep expecting to go in there, sit in the same chair by the bed I as I do every day and feel her pulse stop as I hold her tiny hand in my own talking about nothing at all.

The doctor insists she can't hear me when I'm talking due to the state of unctuousness he put her in but its not really in the hopes of her hearing and listening, its more of in the hopes that she will just tell me to shut up and that she's hungry. Its more in the hopes that I would be so busy talking I wouldn't notice the lack of breathing she did.

I want to be there holding her hand when she takes her last breath even if she has no idea I'm there but at the same time I'm terrified of how I will react to watch her life leave her.

The Doctor says her body is holding up very well and should have no problem in the transition. 

My brother repeatedly tells him that if anything goes wrong it would be of no fault of hers.

I walk into the room as I do every day, my eyes softening as I notice my brother sitting in the chair as the doctor tabs away on some computer, checking on Callas current state. "Are you doing her nails?"

Aldric glanced to the doctor before shrugging, "When she awakens as a changeling its only fair it be as elegantly as possible, her new senses are going to want something other than this terrible place to focus on."

I smiled a bit, "thank you brother."

He nodded, "how are things with father?"

"Calla and I will depart the moment this is.." I looked to Dr. Hoover cautiously, "finished. He begging to question where she is and I have a feeling I am closer to a beheading each day."

"Her heart as yet to stop."

"I know. Doctor!"

Hoover looked to us.

 "it is the fourth day why is her heart still beating?"

He blinked, "it will stop sometime soon."

I took his word for it for no reason other than the fact I could not complete this without him.


He was right, as I sat beside Calla last night the heart monitor slowed before flatlining.

It took everything I had then not to panic even though I knew how irrational it was, It wasn't until the doctor announced that everything was going perfectly that I was fully able to calm myself.

"are you listening to me boy?"

I looked up at my father, "Of course. you said the search for Calla has yet to be resolved and you cannot find the doctor anywhere. it has been the same for the past four and a half days. No one seems to be able to find my pet."

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