Ch 38: You are so Going to Eat Those Words.

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A/N: You know when you said I was going to wait on starting that new story?...yeah I lied first chapters up~


Calla POV:

that was exhausting...they were nice and all but all the questions were tiresome, all the questions about Kaden.

I curled against the mass of pillows, flicking through the TV channels, recognizing some of the celebrities from Kadens Ball...weird.

I settled on some comedy yawning as I saw the first rays of light filter through the tiny crack between the curtains...It was getting really late I should probably go to sleep soon...But I wanted to wait up for Kaden I wanted to know what was going on.

As if on cue he walked through the bedroom door, removing his tie and throwing it somewhere.

I watched him leave a trail of clothing through the room as he walked into the bathroom turning on the shower and stepping in without word.

I looked at the mess all over the room as I went to grab a towel for him, and one extra just in case, he was never this messy. Setting the towels down I peered at the glass shower covered with steam, "...Room for one more?"

"Theres always room for you my little flower."

I dropped my dangerously short nightdress and the lacy excuse for underwear before padding into the shower closing the door behind me, he looked down at me and smiled. I wrapped my arms around him, taking more than a moment to stare at his body.

Frankly I figured if I was doing it I should familiarize myself with it.

Still groping him was not what I got naked for...oddly enough. "you okay?"

He ran a hand through his wet, now gel free, hair, "I have been better Calla but having you near does help."

I blushed burying my face in his chest, " what happened?"

His fingers slid over my slick back, "They will be sending their pet within two nights."

I didn't even want to know how Kaden had managed that 360, "And then."

"then we chat with him."


"I don't know."

Everything was quiet for a moment, "...I wash your back you wash mine?"

He chuckled, grabbing the soap from the shelf and slowly rubbing it over my body the suds running down my slick flesh.

I squirmed a bit as his hands moved up from my lower back, over my shoulders, and over my breast, "...Kaden thats not my back.."

"I know. buy your skin is so soft how could I not?"

I laughed a bit as Kadens touch turned from sensual to playful rubbing over every inch of my skin, "What am I going to do with you?"

"your going to kiss me for a start."

I shook my head but turned around and complied anyways kissing him softly, pulling away much quicker than I wanted.

"Then your going to give me more than that sorry exude for a kiss."

Grinning I did just that, this time letting it wast longer, tracing my tongue against his bottom lip.

He groaned a bit against me, "now your going to get out of this shower and get that perfect ass in my bed."

I pouted, "our bed and its late Kaden we can play tomorrow."

Kaden frowned at me but let it go with some disgruntled grumble about me being damn tease.

He was the one that played walk and strip. How could I not follow those abs? that ass.

I'm not the only one with a great ass you know.

Kadens laughter echoed around us, clearly having caught my thoughts, "Fair enough love. Lets get you to bed."

I frowned, "Are you not coming with me?"

"Ill be with you but I have some work to do."

"No. Kaden the suns out, its time to sleep. Time to cuddle and sleep."


"Cuddle. Sleep."


"Cuddle. Sleep. living dead man or not I'm going to kill you if you don't get your sleep."

He rose a brow at me, " realize you just threatened me and tried to take care of me all at once right?"

"Yup. Good luck dealing with me. Maybe if you go to sleep you'll wave up with a naked me."

"your already naked."

I snorted, "clearly you don't know the difference between naked and naked."

"there isn't a difference."

"you are so going to eat those words."

"looking forward to it."

I rolled my eyes but smiled as he let me drag him to the bed, wrapping his arm around me as I snuggled into the pillows wet hair and all.

His fingers traced my thigh as he wished me goodnight and kissed me softly. My eyes fluttered closed and sleep overcame me just a he lie down fully beside me, murmuring in my ear about how he had finished enough work to the point where we could stay locked up in here tomorrow if we want.

Best. Man. Ever.

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