Ch 16: Obedient

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A/N Pic Callas dress again incase you forgot what it looks like~ longer chapter today too!


Kaden POV:

If my heart still held the ability to beat it would be racing.

How could I have done that to her?

Never in all of my years have I forced myself upon a woman. I never even wanted a woman so much as I wanted Calla in that moment. After the taste of her blood hit my tongue, my first taste of fresh blood in so long, the world exploded in color.

I had almost forgotten what it felt like to drink fresh blood.

But with the usual thrum of energy and the closest thing a vampire can come to being alive, darkness seeped into me.

I was told once long ago that when I drank from the flesh my truest personality comes out, that the bitter condescending man I truly was and always was in my thoughts displays itself as all vampires most pure form of their personality does. I know that to be true and I had expected it to, I had expected to be the man only my friends get flashes of. I knew by drinking from Calla she would be the only one who really truly saw me as I am.

But that was not what happened.

What she saw was something I never even thought existed in myself.

Yes my personality was thrown at her full force but along with her heart beat thrumming through there was an uncontrollable desire to touch her.

Sure there was the passing thought of how beautiful she truly was floating through my hair every now and then but that...

That was something terrible, something that never should have surfaced.

Something that should not have been anywhere in my head at all.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, frown etching its way onto my face as I took in my own dual colored eyes and slicked back black hair, the vibrant stripe of red that usual joins some of my hair above my brow bone now almost hidden away in the mass of black.

I wondered what Calla saw when she looked at me.

Did she see what I do, a man with a pale face and a tendency for the imperfect.

Or did she see the monster that attacked her yesterday, a leach and a bastard?

I straightened my white tuxedo jacket before turning away from my own face an walking from the room.

minuets later I found myself knocking on Callas door, the maid answered with a curtsy before letting me in.

Calla was standing there in the middle of the room, small smile on her face as she touched her elegant bun and examined her own reflection. Her nude heels made a tiny click on the tile as she tuned to look at herself from another angle.

I frowned a bit as her diamond leash caught the light, it matched her collar perfectly and was somehow entirely too much.

I cleared my throat, smirking a bit as she jumped in her heels, staring at me in wide eyed shock.

A dainty blush made its way across the bridge of her nose, "I did not see you come in Lord Dawson."

I hummed a bit to myself, "It is okay, pet...perhaps the leash is a bit much, it takes away from the gown."

Her glossy lips parted slightly before she reached back and unclasped the leash with little difficulty, "It is a beautiful dress."

"You look beautiful."

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