Ch 74: Just Gay and Less Deadly.

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A/N: Had some time between the Con because I don't really sleep...hehehehehehehehehe some of you noticed Kadens behavior had gone from 'I fucking love this girl so much I'm going to fill our room with lavender candles even though I hate them and give her a massage' to 'hey, I'm going to piss Calla off and then send her away like a bad child.' and you guys where all like, 'hmm somethings up, whats wrong with Kanden baby?'

I would like to congratulate you all on understanding my character so well.

as for the few of you who were all like 'ew Kadens being mean again! he only likes her for her body, he's horrible.' my face was all like -_- and my mind was screaming 'YOU FOOLS YOU OVERLY SENSITIVE FOOLS DO YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT LIFE?! ARE YOU CLUESS TO MY CHARACTERS?!'


Calla POV:

I stared at myself in the mirror, legs crossed and arms folded over my chest.

That bitch didn't have a thing on me.

Nina was cute and tiny I guess but I was much better for Kaden. He liked the way my hips curved and the shape of my breasts. I made him laugh and smile, he holds me as he sleeps and kisses me sweetly before he leaves every morning.

So what if she had blood running through her veins that might taste good.

My bloods uncommon and considered valuable.

My jaw clenched, he wouldn't send me away just to have a taste of her would he?

Of course not, I had given him more than enough. And I sated his sexual urges as well.

At least I think I did.

It didn't matter, he's even said it himself, I'm the only woman who ever really satisfied him.

And I think I damn well deserve that praise because for fucks sake that man liked to push me to my physical and sexual limits.

I have done unspeakable things with him and even though I liked it more often than not it usual left me sore and aching.

I sighed deeply, what was he thinking teasing me with that bitch?! And then sending me off to sit in the room alone while he wouldn't sink his fangs into another woman.

He gets all horny when he does that and he only wants me so he wouldn't ever cross that line.

But if he did I hope he would make it hurt like hell.

No pleasure for the whore who dares to let anything of Kadens sink into her.

Part of me wished he would walk in here and kiss the spreads of doubt away. 

"hmmm. those two were right, you do look down."

I yelped eyes widening at the well dressed man smiling down at me. I took in his soft features and oddly welcoming red eyes. 

To be frank between that, his easy smile, and perfectly cropped blonde hair he was handsome. Very handsome, "...who are you?!"

He gave an easy elegant shrug, "Donavan. Personal butler to the prince."

I nodded, "okay?..why are you here?"

He took the chair I was sitting on and spun me around, loosening his tie and sitting on the bed before me, "You look tense, they said you would be."


"Aldric and Kaden. The two of them were all in a tizzy when they called for me. I'm ordered to look after you, rub your feet, apologize a thousand times on the behalf of Kaden. Whatever you want. Although I would rather not apologize a thousand times."

I pursed my lips, "soooo if I told you to strip?"

"I would rather not be killed by the angry lord for being nude in the presence of his lover."

I choked on air.

He waved me off, "Don't worry about it, those two boys are obviously the same. Screw you all night and put on their suits as you sleep in a comatose state because frankly they were too damn angry about their father to-"

"-Pay attention to what the hell they were doing and for how long!"

He shot me a grin, "Exactly! Vampires with royal blood are the worst."

I nodded, humming lowly, "yeah they are but damn they are the best too."

Donavan nodded, "Always helps when you're man has the stamina of a beast and the muscles of a god."

"And the softest hair in the history of ever to hold on to then they have their fun."

"mmmm and their co-"

I froze, "WAIT A SECOND!"

His brows shot up, "yeah?"

"..are you Aldrics closet boy?"

He frowned at me, "How rude, I prefer secret boyfriend but yes. I am in the same boat as you, just gay and less deadly."

I laughed a bit, " Kaden isn't with the kings pets?"

Donavan laughed his fangs flashing, "no. His skin was practically crawling withe the mere mention of those awful women. Not that I blame him those women are crazy the moment you left it was like your man had a target on his back between his broad shoulders. He is quite the looker."

I nodded, "He's amazing naked. Super hot, especially when he's angry."

"Aldric rarely gets openly angry I swear he's like a closed book constantly. The only time you can really tell is by his jawline and the fact that i'm called into his room late at night."

"Rough sex?"

his brows furrowed, "never, why would you think that?"

I pointed at my bruised hip, "Mine likes to see if he can break the bed. He has twice."

"Thats...I don't know if thats sexy or terrifying."

I nodded at him, "Pretty sure I'm ruined for every other man ever. The sex is amazing."

Donavan seemed to think for a moment, "you know despite his obvious tendencies for the rebellious I didn't peg him as a selfish rough lover."

Blinking a small laugh escaped my lips, "Oh god no, he can be selfish when he's super angry but he never fails to please me several times over. To be honest I think it makes him proud."

"...they do like knowing their good in bed."

"great. Good doesn't cover it if I tell him its good he goes for it again."

He laughed, "oh god those two are the same, neither of them can take thinking they could possibly be bested."

I nodded, mood becoming somber, "Hey..if he wasn't going to drink from one of the other pets why did he send me away?"

"...Kaden loves you very much Calla. He was concerned about you being near the kings pets because of their loyalty to them and thought it would be best if he found a way to distract attention from you did he say it? oh yes, 'stir the regal bullshit.' quite a mouth on that one."

I looked down at my hands, "oh..well uhm will he be okay?"

"The king is cruel...but as sad as it is Kaden is used to his cruelty he can handle it, your tiny and human. If the king set his anger upon you, you would not fare well."

I bit my lip, "oh Kaden...that idiot."

Donavan shook his head, "not an idiot Calla, someone who loves you."

"No ones ever loved me before, not like this. I only ever had my mother and not even that was for very long..."

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