Ch 60: Make a Visit.

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A/N: Okay sooo hi! quick question, this time I posted a song up. I did that because sometimes when I write I listen to music, I thought it might be a cool way to connect with y'all or whatever to put up one of the songs I was listening to when creating the chapter, do you guys think I should do that or no? This song is called Doll Parts by Hole by the way.



Calla POV:

I stared at Kaden, "...what did he just say?"

my vampiric lover stared back at me, "Calla...this isn't-"

"Don't you start making excuses Kaden! Is what he said true?!"

His eyes closed for a moment as if he was gathering himself, "Yes, but we are not certain as to why yet. I didn't want to alarm you."

I shot him my very best 'are you fucking kidding me?' look, "Well too bad because this is me being alarmed! did it ever occur to you that since I'm oh you know fucking you he may want to kill me? That maybe he found out and he employed the scum bag parade?!"

He shook his head at me and took hold of my hands gently, "Calla...We hadn't started our affair when he has tried to have you killed."

I could feel my hands shaking in his own, "What if he tries again?"

Cool fingers stroked my quaking knuckles, "I will not allow any harm to come to you, you know that."

I know he would do everything in his power to protect me, Kaden loved me enough to move mountains if I needed him to, but there was always the chance that everything in his power just wouldn't be enough, "..but he's the king Kaden nothing is out of his reach. He can do whatever he wants. What if you can't help me? what if no matter what we do my story ends with a very very sad tragedy?"

"It won't."

His voice held solid, grounding, determination.

I bit my lip, "I wish you had told me."

"Look at how badly you are shaking right now love and tell me you do not understand why I kept this from you."

He didn't want me to be so afraid, I understood that. "I understand Kaden I just wish you had said something, anything, at least started with telling me that the boy was at your house."

He looked down at me, apology in his eyes, "I know..I just didn't want to stress you out further you had a lot to deal with and then I made things worse...and then things started going back to normal. I just wanted to get back to normal, give you a little break from everything first. I'm sorry Calla."

I gave a short nod, "you have no Idea why your father wants to kill me?"

Kaden gazed at Aldric over my shoulder, " brother does actually."

All eyes set on the younger of the Dawson brothers.

Aldric crossed his arms, "Father seemed absolutely astounded when news of Calla first hit his ears, then he became what only I could describe as paranoia as he realized the ball was coming soon, you see it was already spreading due to Angelica I would assume that Kaden cared for his pet and that she was of rare blood. I believe he tried to kill Calla in an effort to keep Kaden from gaining further approval of the community, he has always been conceded about peoples tendency to follow my brother."

I took this in slowly, thinking it over in my weary mind, "..then why hasn't he tried again?"

Aldric hesitated for a moment glancing at Kaden who looked as if he hadn't even thought about the fact it was a one time occurrence. Kadens eyes narrowed, "She brings up a good point Aldric, why hasn't anything else happened?"

The prince looked tiered, "After the ball everyone who was anyone was abuzz with gossip about the pet in the blue gown. About the little human with snowy blonde hair. Even in london people talked because family overseas insisted upon telling them about the pet who walk porously on air and spoke like an angel. Father was no longer only paranoid but as I had my letter he seemed envious. He sent me here to validate everything about Calla...why I do not know."

I swallowed hard, "and have you?..validated it?"

Kadens hand squeezed mine in a comforting way, Aldric nodded reluctantly, "shortly before I found out what a little beat you were yes and...I had kept it up after I learned about the two of you hoping it would keep him at bay. Now though...I'm unsure exactly what it is my words have done."

I took a shaky breath, "why?"

"...he is beginning to Insist that the two of you make a visit to the palace in London."

I barely heard Kadens outraged noise before I fainted.

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