Part 4

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The next day, you wake up to three texts from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Y/N! I hope you had a good time last night. Never got the chance to say goodbye!

Chanyeol: Let's have dinner together tonight and catch up!

Chanyeol: Please... I miss you.

He misses you? Hmm... certainly doesn't act like it. Why now? All of a sudden? He didn't miss you until he saw you? You ignore the texts and crawl out of bed. Heading towards the kitchen, you get startled when you see brown fluff peeking out of a blanket on the couch. You completely forgot Baekhyun had stayed the night. You smile to yourself. The boy was completely buried underneath the blanket. It was adorable.

You decided you'd wake him up with the smell of coffee because who didn't love that? You started the coffee and thought back to the night before. Baekhyun had let you vent your feelings and then did everything in his power to make you forget. He managed to beat you in your favorite game, and then the two of you watched your favorite movie. He also spent about 15 minutes making you guys a ton of snacks to munch on throughout the night. He is seriously such an amazing human being. What did you do to deserve such a good friend?

Just when the coffee was about to be done, you heard sniffing coming from the couch. You turned to watch the waking up of Byun Baekhyun. He sat up on the couch, with the blanket still covering his face. Pulling it off, he turned towards you with a pout on his face.

"Morning bacon!" You yell his least favorite nickname. He just stares at you, still trying to wake up. No human being should look that good when they wake up. It's disgusting.

"Morning..." Baekhyun grumbles. "Is there coffee?"

You nod, walking him over a cup, made exactly how he liked. "How did you sleep?"

"I'm very thankful you have such a comfy couch."

You smile at him. "Thanks for staying with me last night, Baek."

"Of course." He says as he smiles down into his coffee.

You were quiet for a moment, not wanting to break the comfortable silence you had fallen into but needing to tell Baek about the texts. "He texted me."

Baekhyun glances up at you for a second and then holds out his hand. Handing him your phone, you watch his face, not daring to say a word.

"You should go."

"You think so?"

He nods, "Isn't this what you wanted? You can ask him why the hell he stopped talking to you." Baekhyun was irritated with Chanyeol, you could tell.

"Do I really want that answer?"

"Do you want to keep wondering?" You thought for a moment. No... you didn't...

Baekhyun holds your phone out to you, waiting for you to take it. You look at it for a second before grabbing it, typing a reply before you could talk yourself out of it.

You: Dinner sounds great.

It surprised you when it took Chanyeol less than a minute to respond. Almost like he had been waiting for you to respond.

Chanyeol: Awesome! 7? At the usual place?

You're surprised he even remembers the restaurant you two would always go to. Okay. You're not actually surprised, just being bitter.

You: See you there!

The closer it got to dinner, the more excited you became. You had missed Chanyeol, even if he was currently pissing you off. It took you over half an hour to come up with an outfit. You had no idea what to wear and ended up changing three times. You finally decided to just dress cute and casually, with an oversized sweater and skinny jeans. You threw on a scarf and put your hair into a bun. You knew It was stupid of you, but you wanted to impress Chanyeol.

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