Part 12 (Chanyeol's POV)

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"Hyung, help me. I am freaking out." Chanyeol nearly shouted into the phone.

"Chanyeol, calm down. Everything is going to be completely fine." Junmyeon tried to calm him down. His voice carrying across Chanyeol's apartment through the speakerphone.

"What if I forgot something? What if I mess this up? What if - "

"Chanyeol. Breathe." Chanyeol stopped his rant and listened to the older man by trying to take some calming breaths. "There. Are you feeling better?"


Junmyeon sighed. "Let's go over everything again, but Chanyeol, this is the last time. If you didn't remember it the other five times, you won't remember it now."

Chanyeol nodded, forgetting Junmyeon couldn't see him through the phone. "Okay, so Jia is going to call her and invite her out to that new fancy restaurant she's been wanting to try, and when she shows up, I'll be there instead. We'll have a nice dinner, and then I'll somehow find a way to walk her over to the park for a nice little stroll. Then, when the time is right, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend."

"Sounds like you got it covered, Chanyeol. I think tonight will be completely fine."

Yixing, who had been sitting on Chanyeol's couch listening, nodded his head. "Really, all you have to do is make sure Jia gets her to go out. Everything else you have handled." He paused for a moment in thought before he asked, "You called and made a reservation, didn't you?"

"Yeah, that's all set for 8, and Jia knows the time already."

"Did Jia say how she was going to get Y/N to go out?" Junmyeon asked.

Chanyeol heard a ping come from Yixing's phone, and before he could answer Junmyeon's question, Yixing interrupted him.

"Um, Junmyeon. I think we forgot something."

Chanyeol heard Junmyeon suck in a breath, and he started to feel very nervous.

"Oh crap, how did we forget that?!"

Chanyeol couldn't take it anymore. "What? What's happening?"

Yixing rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess the two of us were so wrapped up in helping you plan this, we forgot we had plans tonight with Y/N."

Chanyeol just stared at the older man and tried to comprehend what he was telling him. "You what?"

Junmyeon sighed. "I completely forgot... Well, we're just going to have to cancel on her..."

"We can't just cancel on her the day of. That's rude." Yixing argued.

Junmyeon was quiet, thinking of a way for this to work out. Chanyeol sat back, listening to the two men talk. He had been bugging them for ideas and thoughts on the date for days, and he felt kind of bad for making them forget their plans with you. He also felt bad that they were going to cancel on you, but not bad enough that he was going to stop them.

"Maybe Jia can talk her into hanging out," Chanyeol suggested.

Yixing looked over at him, considering his words. "She can be pretty persuasive."

"Call her up and tell her the plan." Junmyeon urged him so they could get out of canceling on you.

Chanyeol tried to call Jia, but it went straight to voicemail. He sighed, frustrated. "She's not answering."

The boys debated about what they would do if they couldn't get ahold of Jia, but thankfully she called him back a couple minutes later. When he told her about his idea, Jia was more than thrilled to help him get you to the restaurant, nearly screaming in his ear ideas of what he should do.

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