Part 10

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The day after movie night, Baekhyun had come over to your place to apologize for what felt like the hundredth time. You had told him repeatedly that you weren't mad at him, but that didn't stop him. Yes, he had made a mistake, but all of you had, so it didn't matter to you. However, sometimes talking to Baekhyun was like talking to a brick wall.

"I've told you I'm sorry, right?"

You look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath, completely annoyed with the man now. "Baek, I swear to god."

"Okay, okay, I just want to make sure you know..." He grumbles from beside you. You feel him take a breath like he was working himself up to say something. "Have you heard from him?"


You were starting to feel like a cosmic force was working against the two of you, like the universe was sending you flashing neon signs saying, "Hello, not him!".

"I have..." Baekhyun hesitantly says.

You look over at the man who was now holding your full attention. "You've talked to him?"

He nods while taking in your reaction. "He showed up at my apartment last night."

"Last night? After the fight?" You ask, raising your eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah... He came to apologize... and to tell me that he was leaving for a few days..." He tells you while looking down at the drink in his hand. You couldn't tell if Baekhyun was happy, sad, or what he was feeling about that piece of information.

"L-Leaving? Where?" You ask quietly, an array of emotions flowing through you. You couldn't help but wonder where Chanyeol was going.

"I didn't ask. All I know is that he booked a room somewhere for a few days to clear his head." He looks up at you and takes in your sad face. "He needs this Y/N. He needs to figure everything out for himself." You nod, understanding that it was what's best for him. For both of you really. "He'll come back when he's ready."

Mulling over Baekhyun's words, you realize you actually felt relieved. Both of you would get a chance to sit down and clear your heads, away from each other. Hopefully, this break apart would give you both what you needed.

- A week later -

It had been a full week since you had last seen or heard from Chanyeol and even most of the boys. After Baekhyun left your apartment that night, you had decided that it would be nice if you took a week off from communicating with the entire group, giving everyone some space and a chance to breathe.

It was nice. Things were quiet for once, and you got a lot of much needed housework done. You picked up some extra hours at work, and it was relieving to have something else to focus on. The hardest decision you've had to make for the past week was what to have for dinner.

Facing that dilemma now, you stare absentmindedly into the refrigerator, hoping something would catch your eye. Maybe you should just order takeout? You weren't in much of a mood to cook anyway.

While you are heading over to the couch to grab your phone, there's a knock on your door. You sigh, and walk over to the door, wondering who would be on the other side of it. To your absolute shock, it was Chanyeol standing there. You hadn't expected to hear from him just yet.

He smiles at you shyly when you open the door, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck. "Hey..."

"Chanyeol! Um, hi, come in!" You move aside and cringe at how awkward you just sounded.

"I hope you haven't eaten yet... I brought dinner." He says while holding up a bag of takeout from the place you were literally about to order from. You can't help but laugh at the irony of this situation.

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