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The next day, you wake up wrapped up in Chanyeol's arms, and you couldn't even begin to describe how content you were. He was lazily rubbing his hand up and down your arm, feeling just as content as you. The two of you were finally together after all these years, and it felt right.

"Morning jagi," Chanyeol speaks, breaking the peaceful silence.

You smile at the new name. "Good morning."

"I'm so happy right now. I want to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life." He says, with an answering smile on his face.

"Then let's do that." You reply, feeling your heart fluttering. You hear him hum an agreement next to you. "You don't have to leave today, do you? I want to stay in here all day."

"Even though that is one of the most tempting offers I've ever heard, I have a meeting to go to today." You groan with sadness, not wanting him to leave. "Plus, I was thinking... Maybe we should have dinner with the guys and Jia to tell them about us..." He nervously suggests. "But I don't know if you're ready to tell people..."

You consider his words. It was very, very early in the relationship, and it was still such a new, fragile thing, but the two of you had put your friend group through the wringer over the past couple of months. It was only fair that they were told about this new development. "I think it's a good idea, Chan. They're gonna find out sooner or later... But... Can I tell Baekhyun? By myself?"

Chanyeol thinks about it for a moment. You wonder if maybe he should tell him since they were so close, but you wanted Baekhyun to know from you. Especially since, a couple of months ago, he confessed his feelings for you.

Chanyeol agrees that you can be the one to tell him, and you almost immediately roll over and grab your phone. You pull up his contact and quickly text him.

You: Morning bacon! Want to go grab lunch today?

You wait a little bit for a response.

Baek: Lunch with you? Absolutely! When and where??

You: That café in between my place and the dorms?? In an hour?

Baek: See you there! 😊

You tell Chanyeol that you're all set for lunch, and he tells you not to worry about dinner because he "had it covered", but really that only made you worry more. Not long after your plans are set, he takes off to get ready for the meeting, and you start to get ready for your lunch date.

You throw on a cute, casual sweater and leggings and leave your hair down in its natural state. When you get to the café, you see you've made it first, since Baekhyun's not in his normal seat. None of the boys sat near the windows, in case someone recognized them, so you head straight to the back, knowing he'd find you. You order both yours and his favorite drinks and patiently wait for him to arrive.

When he walks in, you notice him immediately, even with his black hat pulled down to cover his face. You could tell by his demeanor that something was wrong or he was sad, and a part of you wondered if he had a feeling about what you were going to tell him.

When he sits down in front of you and pulls his face mask down, you can see that he is trying to hide something from you. It only takes seconds for you to figure out that Baekhyun already knows.

You give him a small smile, which he returns. "Hey Baek..."

"Hey, little one..."

You pause and look at him. "I'm guessing you know what I'm going to say..."

He nods at you before his eyes trail down to the coffee you got him. It takes him a moment to gather his thoughts before he looks back up at you. "I have a good feeling, but I still want to hear you say it..."

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